
"Hancock" is interesting but they spent most of the movie fighting each other, so according to Hollywood anxieties, that's ok! :)

Although, I don't agree with your original premise, that was a false equivalency. These liberal gatekeepers tend to stay running their skulls into the brick wall of the undoubted fact that even if all minority struggles are equal, they are not equivalent. For example, comparing racism to homophobia is like comparing

"Harlot"? "Jezebel"? You tryin' too hard

What you said is right. But bill clinton had oral sex in the White House Oval Office. They called it the Oral Office. Or the Oval Orifice. All things considered, what she did was more mannered. I always check on this site to see how much psychobabble Damon tracks in under his boots after he starts in with a few decent

You know what you said about her is true. But Bill Clinton had oral sex in that same office. Nobody really talks about that now. All things considered, what she did was not as unmannered. Damon is too much in his head about this shit and he should stop writing a bad soap opera with some good ideas about race mixed

I thought that this President is trash, so who cares, right? Damon is still a crybaby.

Damon you are such a crybaby that it's not even funny anymore.

Good thing I'd rather be an asshole then a bitch-ass whiner like you.

delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment.
"his progress was retarded by his limp"

That link just proves that you're probably just some fanatic with a general hard-on against Christianity. Why don't you go to one of those Arabic countries—-where your neighbor can accuse you of blasphemy against the Prophet and the lawful authorities are sanctioned to execute you—-you moral retard?

oh man this is the part where you post links about the crusades, as if the Christian warriors were fighting Islamic Girl Scouts. Then I raise you with the fact that Islamists enslaved much of Africa with the Koran. How else did you think millions of Africans "converted"
to an Arabic religion? The Arabs sure weren't

What religion do they follow that orders the death of apostates? Do they issue fatwas when people criticize Jesus Christ or question their religion? Do they hack Dutch filmmakers in the street for producing films derogatory in nature to their "faith"?Did they order the murder of the artist who designed the crucifix in

So there's nothing edgy about having "lame" sex in front of a camera and distributing to a million people to watch.

You just posted a random quote but no circumstances of any christian extremist using that quote or any other biblical quote to justify an act of terrorism. I can't even say, "nice try".

People don't compare the KKK to Islam the religion itself. They compare the KKK to Islamists, actual people who ignore the Koranic calls to peace but follow in the same text, the many instructions of murder, execution and torture for apostates, non believers, practicers of witchcraft, etc. With that said, I don't

My mom's awesome. What about yours, slick?

They are crybabies always looking for confirmation bias towards their victim politics and inferiority complexes.

You're right. You shouldn't be so upset about an award show.

No. But in the past when the subject of actual Islamic terrorism in present news has come up between me and a person of Arabic heritage, both times they minimized it. This is definitely not representative of beliefs among a community but only my personal experience. I remember after the Charlie Hebdo assault, this

One nasty anecdote doesn't prove anything. It confirms a strongly held bias.