
Yeah I see what you're saying but it's not universal or total. When that idea is broadcast as such, it's mostly propaganda to support victim complexes and notions of inferiority that are not completely based on reality but also on "feels", as if no White woman has ever been put in her place or called out on her

Plenty people like to go in on White girls. You're just making that up to prove your point.

Thanks a lot.

Really?? Please tell me more. Perhaps an internet link if possible.

That sounds like a fair assessment, given how defensive some porn-addled sexaholics can react when one dares to criticize only one offensive facet of pornography.

It is literally a half measure making only Johnny Storm the African-American one because the cynical casting department made sure that White guys in the audience can go, "Awww yeah this White girl is soooo hot cuz she reminds me of all the hot White girls in my life Ever".
They chose this instead of rolling the dice

You're just about my favorite gimmick profile.

I can't stand this guy. Most of his stories end with someone saying, "I can't believe you're old enough to play Chad Michael Murray's father!"

Yeah, nice try but no…whether or not Don's eyes are closed, he is very well aware of his surroundings—-by actually being there. Or did some other corporate suit visit the same commune, have the same experience and co-opt it in a way made apparent by the Coke ad?

The ad looks so much like Don's surroundings is his last scene! They're not gonna spell it out but…I mean for crying out loud!

How bad can life be if someone like Peggy Fucking Olsen loves you?

Jeez, I was on the fence but I think this post has pushed me to a definite opinion. What else does this guy have? His last refuge dumped him after making him come along to that very organized commune…selling is in this guy's blood…Dick Whitman or Don Draper…

He did look more muscular in this scene for some reason.

Ahhh is there no human experience that the literal-minded haven't ruined for the figurative-thinking and the free? *hahahaha weeping

LMAO at Don politely smiling at how lascivious he's supposed to feel when he's been serviced by so much hotter in NYC.

How did this lame D.B. Cooper theory start anyway?

WHOA when did she masturbate on the washing machine? Season, episode number and time code please.

In your review you also state that Don is watching a program with one White man and one Black man but it clearly looks like he's watching Flip Wilson and Redd Foxx, two famous African-American comedians.

Yeah I knew they weren't going that way but the guilt and paranoia made the tension so palpable that it was enough for people, at least for me, watching this saga for 8-odd years.

The way Hamm read the line "I DON'T NEED YOUR CHANGE!" with the shock, indignity and fatigue involved was so well invoked. I'm doing that motion where you kiss your fingers bunched up together…MWAHHH…that scene was a climactic thing of beauty. Dark, dangerous and morbidly hilarious, in it's own way.