
Joanna Gruesome: "Wussy Void" Say what you want about the (incredibly stupid) band name, this song is the bee's knees. http://youtu.be/fppMx478qns

I laughed when you called guitar-genius Carrie Brownstein "the lady from Portlandia."

Quasi was the big surprise of the weekend for us. SO LOUD.

That FFF set was the first time I was ever so happy while dancing that I cried. It's a highly-recommended, cathartic experience.

Pussy Whipped is my favorite punk record. Period.

I also wouldn't overestimate how seriously this show takes itself.

She's way more uptight on this show than on Boardwalk. Both characters are trying to prove themselves in a professional sense but you won't see Dr. DePaul cracking sarcastic jokes & having coffee with gangsters . . .

All of the Boardwalk Empire reviews have similar complaints about motifs being over-explained or heavy-handed and I also just don't care. The incredible acting on both shows carry any queasiness the writing may induce. Not every show has to be subtle to work, especially this show which seems to have a lot more

There were entire episodes this season where he didn't make an appearance and they were entertaining enough. It's a great cast with a deep roster.

Doesn't seem contrived to me. Going home really put some perspective on how much he'd changed.

I read that as his reluctance to kill again. He takes his finger off the trigger for a second to prove to himself how easy it is: just a simple motion, just squeeze. That hesitation lead to his downfall.

Here in New Orleans we only watch because the pretty lights move, like raccoons attracted to tin foil.

My thought exactly. A crystal vase is a much classier murder weapon than a bowling pin, but the way he sat down exhausted at the end reminded me of that scene.

Turkey of the Week: Father of the Brine

A lot of the jokes on Masters of Sex work a lot better than the drama, though. It's a funny show, although occasionally brutal.

Doesn't that make it successful, since the character is supposed to be THE WORST?

I completely disagree that you never stop seeing the character as a man in drag. I look right past the actor and into the face of a monster. The show reminds me less of Tracy Ullman and more of Jerri Blank from Strangers with Candy, except that she's at the top of the social food chain instead of the bottom. There is

Thank you! The slang was a little hard to follow in that scene.

This show is also a lot less concerned with being taken seriously as Mad Men is. Mad Men certainly has a sense of humor at times but overall it strives to be cinematic, transcendent of television. Masters of Sex is a lot less pretentious and not at all afraid to be goofy. There are serious subjects tossed around