Benjamin Williams

At the same time…you could have siblings that are light-skinned black to where they almost look biracial.

I recall that the first claire, Jazz Raycole, was replaced due to her mother not agreeing with some of the storylines.

I read somewhere that Laoma was supposed to be a regular on KOTH, but they decided that it was funnier to let Bill remain a depressed sad sack.

Don't get me wrong, Fuller House is a bad show.

I always liked the moments when Brittany showed a level of respect to Daria, and vice-versa.

Do you like anything?

I'll give them credit for trying to appeal to kids (and it seemed to work). but something about the way they did things showed they tried too hard.

They tried in the Electric Company remake, didn't they?

I actually watched the two last night…it wasn't bad. MUCH improved from the pilot. (aka, the movie in 23 minutes) They seemed to have found a groove, almost like, Black-ish light. It was inoffensive and there's WAY worse on TV.

See, I think Feud gets away without having the bigger 3 sided board because the set does still come alive in wins and the actual graphics move and are clearly on stage. Wheel's kind of the same way IMHO, but would be better if the graphic of the letters "turned" sorta how the german version did years ago.

Love it.

was he the one that sang about the star wheel?

Original is the best.
European was funny then, less funny now.
Can't get into Christmas (don't celebrate it, plus the glaring Audery/Russ change throws me off).
Vegas may have worked if it were at least PG13, because there was some good stuff and they at least got the spirit of the original one even if it was watered

See, I thought the one where he asked people if he needed to grow up was a good springboard into him doing so. I also think they realized that no one else wanted these crazy people and they actually needed to be together. I love how they very easily glossed over them ending up together too.

Wrong on Scrubs. Stop at season eight, with the show's TRUE finale. I seriously believe if the show had stopped there (as originally planned) it would be held in higher regard now. That being said, Season 9 isn't that bad…when viewed as a spinoff.

I remember that the current Audrey and Rusty look at each other quickly…

Goof troop.

"Three bucks…two bags…one me!"

I like her. And No, i'm not being ironic.

Counterpoint: It seems that shows in the last few years have gotten away from the dark, why-so-serious look and feel of the millionaire days.