Benjamin Williams

Eh. Modern Family used to be appointment TV, now it just passes the time after speechless and before the better 9:30 show (formerly Black-ish, now American Housewife)

We watch a lot of late night reruns of the middle (thanks hallmark channel and a strange cable package) and i forgot how useless his character and the elhert motors scenes were.

Even though i'm not a fan of Full house, It actually never got a proper finale and there's a HUGE segment that love that show, so i gave it a pass. I even checked out the first episode of Fuller House- and was surprised at how it was um, less cheesy and slightly more adult than the original series (its why the

To each his own, but may i ask, why?

So did my large, geeky family. Eccelston's season was massively underrated.

I really enjoyed it. It's not a perfect movie (the characterizations need work), but good lord it was FUN. It was more in the vein of Ant Man over Avengers- and that's a good thing.

I meant that SM1 and later 2 solidifed that studios could make a boatload of money off these movies.

Ive said it before, ad i will say it again. If we didn't have the Raimi Spiderman movies we likely would never have the "better superhero movies/TV Series" (you can decide what's better to you, not touching that one) that we have today.

Me too. Sigh. Me too.

This. Needs. to. Happen.

Oh no. We watched the first few seasons of that show. Slow Donnie. The birds parody. the Murder mystery (she's gone mad with Syphilis!) and the best one, the intimate portrait of Nina Van Horn, where I still hum Nina's one-hit song, "Tick-tick tock its party o'clock" every so often.

Yes. I interviewed Dennis Haskins a few years ago. It was assumed that audiences would follow the original cast (well, 2/3 of it) to Primetime- and new fans would watch, and also stick around for the new cast on Saturday mornings. What ended up happening was no one followed it to primetime, and people more or less

Eh- it's their third or fourth one and they've been pretty entertaining. Snoop still wins for best celeb ever on price is right.

I asked myself the SAME thing. Ugh.

The group was one of my favorite, "out of left field" guest spots on Tiny Toon Adventures. So much so that i downloaded "we" a few years later.

I almost feel like if they had made it a limited series/event movie it would have been fine-there were some funny things in that first show, but now it's getting tiresome.

They need to stop supersizing plinko that way.

If nothing else, the show seems more fun than it did in Barker's last few seasons. Drew's doing a capable to good job, the set looks good, and the prizes are actually stuff people want to win.

Actually, I say that with personal experience. Two of my brothers and my father are lighter skinned to the point where they've been mistaken as my half-siblings, biracial, or hispanic.