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    I think the meetings were discussing the set up of the the parlay (I think it was Cersie's idea) and then to relay the contents of said parlay before Jaime gets back so she can compare notes. She's next level mad this year


    Thoros, Beric and Gendry are in big trouble. Esp. Gendry since he just got back and seems eager and admirable. Jorah, The hound and Jon are the safest I think. Tormund won't die just yet either… though in fairness he is a curve ball candidate.

    Good point in the stray observations about Gendry and Davos. I don't think she knows about them. I think she set up the Tyrion/Jaime meeting with Varys' and Qyburn. Nobody knew what Davos was up to so that is still a secret IMO.

    Tarly senior was being heroic… Tarly jr was a tragedy… but inevitable because Tarly senior raised him to be "that way" and hated Sam because he wasn't. irony stings.

    RIGHT… What if I wanna sit this one out… maybe take a vacay… why all the side choosing??

    You don't feel like Dany is insecure about her authority? She is trying to assert dominance where she can because she feels subordinate to him. At least that's my take on it. His response is "I don't need permission"… becauise I am the dominant one here. At which point she COULD stop him but doesn't.

    right.. but once they do that. people might not want Dany. Jon being legitimate gives people cause to contest her claim. Esp. if she is seen as foreign… just saying they could certainly drum up some drama. also, it does speak to the irony of "birth right" which has been Dany's calling card and Viserys' before her. But

    Because Dany is leading Dothraki hoards. Not people of Westeros… on top of which she has never been to Westeros has no idea of the customs or politics… She has no Westerosi friends.. save for the kin slaying Tyrion.. Not to mention that he made his decision to follow cersie with great consideration he isn't weak

    Tarly played her. And Westeros will hear the story as they heard the stories of the Mad King. captive noblemen being burned alive for insubordination.

    OK… A few thoughts having watched a second time:

    perhaps… but somebody had to set it up… somebody has been in contact with both sides. IMO.

    IKR? the off putting part for me is that Cersie presumably allowed Tyrion in and out of KL. But why? just to see how Jaime would handle it?…

    Are you going to Punish Bronn?

    She likely would have believed the letter at the time too. She has always questioned and disliked Sansa's motivations.

    Right… but those people had context and intimate knowledge of the players involved. Now… it's just a letter of betrayal. Those with context are dead or against the Starks

    That's easier said than done.

    I think Cersie knowing about the meet lends more evidence to the idea that Varys has been in contact with KL

    I'd say at the least Dany could go see for herself… Maybe Drogon could snatch a wight. But that's a big risk for Dany to take knowing only that the enemy is not human and has magical abilities