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    They are making the point (again) that they need everyone or they are doomed. They just stomped the tail of Cersie's army… and Cersie has all the gold and support from Bravos. She represents a substantial number of people… people who Jon woul;d rather have living and fighting on his side than either dead… or fighting

    There wasn't a Foreign army and three dragons when Robert's rebellion was going on.

    I think it's more about not following Dany than it is loyalty to Cersie.


    That's true, but he also said he was not loyal to any king or queen. His promise to "tell her" first is fine and good assuming he is on board with her temperment and reactions and if he thought she'd listen. So I would bet on him keeping options open… which involves not being honest/ open. Also, he's freaking out

    Plus, The Vale doesn't like or trust Targarians… main point Targarians are not, at present, beloved in Westeros.

    well at Winterfell it went male bastard. I actually hadn't thought about the similarities regarding the relationships in the two situations. Nice… Mind you Sansa cares far more about westrosi customs than Dany

    Pompous is a little harsh. I'd say misguided. Placing importance on the wrong things.

    That's true… and everyone who doesn't take them seriously pays. In that respect I feel Jon has been careful not to be rude (unlike others) or authoritative… but the titles don't intimidate or influence him and he has made that clear

    I agree she's not. But I think the show is making Jon look way more competent and heroic. Dany is somehow fascinated by him instead of vice versa. Dany's problems are

    But think about the conundrum Tyrion would be in if Jaime were.. say.. captured?

    My understanding would be that Aerys Targaryan died Rhaegar was next in line and had a son. Rhaegar died his Son is the next in line. My view would be based on the direct paternal lineage… Grandfather-Father-Son. Which seems to be the general understanding of the common people in Westeros

    Right the crown debts… but not necessarily the family finances of the Lannisters. And simply noticing that the crown is borrowing elsewhere doesn't mean he knows the Lannister mines are dry.

    Tyrion specifically tried to avoid this scene. So seeing it, he is conflicted. Not just the Dragon's. He didn't want a foreign invasion. As the Dothraki slaughtered fleeing Lannister's the Guy says to Tyrion "You're people can't fight". So Tyrion realizes that "his team" sees this purely as victory where he sees the

    It was more than a joke.. it was honest juxtaposition of the 2 characters true nature.

    I think Davos will suggest marriage… That's why he was inquiring how Jon feels about her. My guess

    The Tyrion shots had levels but for me the biggest take away was that this is exactly what he wanted to avoid.

    I don't think Melisandra is privy to her plans in that way. If it's Misandae I'll be pissed. But if Greyworm dies because of a stupidorders… all bets are off

    I was thinking that as well. Cersie is a horrible choice so maybe he has another in mind. Maybe he has more personal ambition than he lets on… Push to shove though cersie has has no dragons and no following of red priests/priestesses.

    I can see your point… still drives home the foreign invasion angle. Tyrion's "people" may all be slaughtered and burned by the time this is done. Then what's the point. Remember, this is exactly what Tyrion was trying to avoid… now he's seeing why… and is put off that nobody else seems to have an issue.