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    I thought he was dead too… and I was pissed nobody was helping… then I was glad the Hound helped… it was quite the rollercoaster. For what it's worth, I feared for Brienne when I thought Tormund was finished

    also, 1 episode makes up a greater % of the season now… making the impact on the whole even more pronounced.

    That's what I took from it. Beric will not be heading south anymore.

    So next week in KL:

    She sent her away because he told her to keep Brienne close and use her as an intermediate. The question is weather Littlefinger (actually) wanted her to do that, or she is a step ahead. Somebody's being duped.

    as you can see this response wasn't to you.

    No… you can't do it because business models protect profits. You can however predict that said protections do not extend to paying consumers, or company staff. Both groups I have MORE concern for than I do for HBO itself and it's ability to make big profits.

    Sorry… if HBO profits don't fall… and theft occurs.. prices rise. I don't know how I would demonstrate to you how much exactly is attributed to it, but that's how pricing works. Further salaries and expenses are cut, again to protect profit. You are a tiny part of a large problem looking for someone to prove that you

    I thought it was a necessary show of strength and ruthlessness - right. and the phrase "burned alive by Dragon Fire"… will be the context that people hear. Like Everything else passed ear to ear and parent to child… Most people weren't there.

    Not HBO's bottom line… but people HBO pays? sure. other paying consumers? definitely. (though your answer would be "Why are they paying"). Proving the business profit model doesn't suffer doesn't mean it's not hurting anyone. And If everyone pirates it then production stops… and that would hurt me directly.. ;-P

    This is actually a good conversation…

    She is dominant over those POWs I tells ya… but she can't make Jon do S***. I get it though there's moments she talks down to him in a tone that bugs you… I see that tone as empty overcompensating and feel like Jon doesn't rate it.

    Right she SAYS those things and does none of them. Jon didn't cower from her dragon.. he told her he's leaving… he's called her destiny childish…

    I agree… she should not feel that way, but she does. Perhaps it's because he's excessively humble or relatively unmoved from his original plan in spite of her Dragons and armies… She on the other hand is going to suspend her war at his behest.

    Agreed he should have kept his vow to Olenna (Long live the Queen of Thorns). But his last moments were true to his character… Having made his bed and all.

    Right… and now all the other angry nationalists will rally… you see?

    I think he requested a moment to pull Dickon aside and fully explain the long term plan.. but the tyrant queen must have refused.. so his demand of "get back" followed later by his nod to "bending the knee" was about as clear as he could be… Dickon didn't have it in him to survive his father in this fashion… it's too

    Good point… misfits and traitors (as many in Westeros see it)

    That's true… But Tarly saw that alliance as treason… the actual invading army is Dothraki (which Tyrion wanyed to avoid)… Now Tarly should commit that same treason when it's convenient? Nah…

    Honestly though… that's a lot of people you can't trust at all "joining" your ranks.