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    If they skip the Dany/Jon hook up and get to the familial reveal… then Jon. Yes, Jon would actually have the greater claim, but he doesn't want it anyway. I'm sure he'd be ok with his Aunt on the throne as conqueror and he would be the next (reluctant) Targarian in line… To my knowledge he can still make babies on the

    I hope it's not… and I fully expect to meet Howland Reed at some point… it's ridiculous if we don't.

    I can see that… you have to find "soft spots". But several shots, even like the one he took here could slow the dragons down substantially making them far more vulnerable. It certainly wouldn't be easy. Just saying.

    1. I don't know that Tyrion was ever told about the Gold running out. Cersie definitely was.

    I thought the episode explained it as well as they could. He remembers what it like to be bran but now he remembers so much more. It must be extremely difficult to attach humanity and emotion to individual events when you've seen and felt/experienced everything about everyone.. and somethings maybe not in full

    I thought I saw Randyll Tarly melting… but… as the person was melting it was difficult to tell. I am hoping yes… and I'm hoping Dickon is now in charge. I feel his conflicted conscience ads a layer of drama that is absent in his Fathers story.

    I was thinking… it is out of character for him to have just the one plan. He must have things working off screen that will be revealed. If not… he's done and it would seem anti-climactic. I feel similarly about Varys… except I think he's done "because" of the reveal to come as it were

    Jon is her nephew

    Serious question:

    So much packed into 53 minutes…

    incredibly detailed.. I chuckled.

    I just took it as a way to hamstring them with minimal casualties to Euron's fleet… they didn't need to "fight" at this time.

    He knows 2 are dead. as stated

    I suspect it's the other way. The dragons would be best used where the most enemy troops are. Currently that would be Highgarden.. they'll be on the move back to to KL. It seems the Lannister army is the strongest (Save for the vale maybe) at the moment… she'll need to tale them down a peg.

    So does Bronn get Highgarden?

    Sure… except that the plan (literally) is to keep Ellaria alive as long as possible…

    No, laying seige to the city with local armies would not lead to the same chaos as Dothraki and Dragons sweeping through. Also… It puts them in a better position as there's more chance of support afterwards given alliances with known families. But sure… She could have burned and conquered KL.

    I'm not even convinced that Ellaria and Tyene are out of the picture.

    I just think he meant in general… he doesn't want to have to do any of this.

    To save Innocent lives. she doesn't care about combatants dying.