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    Correct… It would be subject matter largely ignored by Maesters of late (hence the lack of upkeep…) Which is everything Sam wants to know about.

    Jaime is directing the army… He pointed Cersie to Highgarden in ep 1. I feel like Euron is doing his own thing, but the attack on the fleet at Casterly Rock has to have been co-ordinated w/ Jaime/Cersie. Besides that.. as you said Qyburn… who still has little birds init?

    I think it's interesting that the Queen of Dragons might find a story of mystic and magic "far fetched". But then I guess it's ego. All the things Dany has seen she attributes to herself being special, like she's the cause of the wonder. Jon Snow doesn't present himself as special, doesn't boast titles etc… Yet here

    I think the awkwardness is somewhat by design.

    But Tywinn told Cersie… not Tyrion init? So it actually goes a long way to explaining why Jaime could abandon the rock while Tyrion may not have known and thus would expect a strong defense of the castle. Making the revelation quite important to the narrative.

    That's a good point…

    I kind of suspect that he will not tell her.. at least not immediately. I think he gave her the poison, but I don't believe Cersie was ok with it. I think Jaime planned to tell her that realizing defeat The Queen of Thorns poisoned herself before they could take her. I think Olenna threw a wrench in the spokes because

    A lil harsh I'd say… But I agree about the voice over. I thought it was great. Also gave us the Bronn line before heading to highgarden to note Bronn stands with Jaime, opposite Tyrion… and it will be THEM "impregnating a b**** today"

    This way… Euron forgets about him because he's no threat… I'm hoping it was a conscious decision

    Well I can't argue with that.

    But she has the daughter as well… So Ellaria will be killed second… cersie being cersie and all.

    I almost feel that way. It would seems he exists to infuriate us in moments like this.. or the candle.. or numerous other moments. They are getting old fast. However… now that he has done this he 1. probably saved Yara temporarily and 2. now must find his own mission or motivation beyond My sister Sansa needs… or My

    Ah… Gloves.. Maesters.. Why didn't we think of that?…

    I think both of them were recast

    Ellaria will not spend much time in captivity… and is the one person he had to keep alive for Cersie. He could have killed the rest… my suspicion is that Yara finds a way out otherwise they should have killed her and then had Theon run. The implication here is that his cowardice actually saved her life… silly as it


    Right.. my guess is that's how the guy who devised the "cure" contracted the greyscale that he died from. So, nobody is gonna try it again… except Sam.

    Right… but now she wants to see them burn. Before she was still concerned with appearances etc… I just mean she is not advising dany for the sake of anything but firey revenge. She sees dany as a tool not as a ruler. Her advise will reflect that… but still sound super correct

    Nah… she was headed south then changed her mind… twist done. "It's not her" was a wink to the fact that she's grown and changed… Arya understand personal destiny better than anyone so she gets why Nymeria can't travel as her sidekick… But she is going home. I find it funny that she didn't ask about Sansa.. at all… but

    I could see that all. Only concern would be the actual losing of hundreds of ships… and possibly 2 armies. It;'s a huge risk… But I do think the tension between the two of them would have Tyrion looking for a way to get rid of her.