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    1. Get.. on.. Sam! I had no idea he'd be this hands on about curing Jorah…
    2. I loved Arya's Hound impression while at the Crossroads… #TeamArya
    3. Ding-Dong the snakes are dead, a couple snakes.. at least 2 snakes! Ding dong the stupid snakes are deeeaaaad.
    4. Lady Olenna is the S***. Though I'm convinced she couldn't

    Well his gift to Dany was supposed to be his C*** so I guess he's becoming a romantic.

    I'd say it was once the best written show on TV. One could argue that it peeked in Season 4. 5 was a distinct drop off. I thought 6 was better but still not on the level of earlier seasons. It was paced better than 5 and frankly was visual heavy. So while the writing alone wouldn't stand out from other shows… the

    6 minutes Doug e fresh your on…

    Ya… but I actually need another favour… So I'll do you the honor of passing off my brain dead slow footed aimless tool of a cousin to marry your choice of daughter… Best your family will ever do.

    Nah, he thought Frey was a chump and couldn't do anything about it… Unfortunately for him, his battles played out in a way that he needed Frey a second time… and even then did not seem to think much of the threat at hand or the outrage that may be harbored. Honestly, second watch he's basically asking for it for about

    Chaos is a ladder… he is constantly pushing conflict and whispering to both sides.

    Agreed, so what about Robyn Aryn? You think he could be Littlefinger's real child secretly? There was a moment where Lysa references the years of whispers. She's been in love with him forever… Perhaps his plans started well before Jon Aryns death?

    Littlefinger doesn't do consolation prizes. He sees her as his loves daughter which I'm sure has some armor to it… but she is not his motivation… only power is.

    I think the empathy is a misdirect precisely because we saw it last season w/ Lady Crane & with her not killing the lady Freys… Here though, these are soldiers (granted not very menacing ones) who have been sent in response to her actions. They are looking for her… and presumably if they knew who she was they'd follow

    Right… like Briiene tells the tale of Renly being murdered by a shadow.. with the face of Stannis Baratheon.

    So the 2 main questions that arise are

    I don't think it's correct. It was based on the mark left on his arm spreading like Greyscale does. I haven't seen any reason to think that…

    And Bronn is still waiting. (ding-da-ding-dong) SHAME!

    Lyanna Mormont marries Robyn Aryn and runs that Shhheeeeeiiiiit

    Ya.. ending is really beginning and all that

    Agreed. It seems to me that people underestimate the scale of the undertaking. Just thought I'd hilight that Martin would not have written this for TV himself considering it un-doable.. and perhaps he's struggling with the ending in part because he knows (now) it must have a coherent translation for the show. which he

    But… "It's a new one"

    Isn't that essentially the exact situation here. Martin wrote the books to free teh story from the constraints of Video/Film/TV production in his writing. Then as a partially finished story D&D and HBO decided to take on the challenge of producing it. I'd say they've done well… with a few glaring mis-steps.

    they probably removed it for just that reason… wouldn't want to distract.