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    This is why the one who passes judgement should swing the sword.

    He did ask… and she did NOT answer.

    Considering they are there to "keep the peace" after the mass poisoning of house Frey I'd expect them to be a little more suspicious. The more I think about it the more I wonder if there's not a set up here (hope not). Then again, she could also steal a face from one of these lads and infiltrate the Lannister ranks

    There were a few witty one liners and responses that i thought were reminiscent of earlier season dialogue… that exchange was a really good example.

    You use the term Noble loosely. ;-P

    she is operating by her own calculus of who deserves death. - I like it… agreed.

    The biggest "issue" I have with the handling of magic thus far is that Melisandra definitely took a bath with no necklace on in Season 4 and she did look any different. But whatever… they didn't know then that it would be relevant in Season 6 I guess

    I thought the you should try killing your brother line was another shot at jaime… But I guess if he's going to get Tyrion that would make sense… You gotta try it, SO imma go get you a sibling to kill.

    He just went through that siege at river-run where he gave his speech about Cat and Cersie and how their love for their children is palpable.. it drives them. Now tio see Cersie driven despite having none of them left should be jarring. Hearing her talk like "I loved them I did, BUT…"

    Pretty sure the Jaime and the Lannister army will head to Highgarden. Euron is heading to fight his niece and nephew who are teamed with the Dany and Dorn. We didn't see sandsnakes with her on arrival so I'd guess they're at home and the plan is to maintain threats on all sides of KL.

    You know… that wasn't a thing.. in my consciousness until I read it. But ya, he really does.

    There's a real poetry to the fact he left them to die…

    There was another man they came across that was dying and the Hound did kill him mercifully. He showed Arya where the heart is. Then he later asks if she remembers when he's asking Arya to kill him… I loved that season.

    Ya, I also think that the family is relevant. Howland reed is too much a part of the background for us to have not met him.. and for his children to be "expendable" characters. There has to be something to the idea that Jojen was not the protector but he had the powers… Maybe it;s nothing more than a swap out

    I think Olenna knows where Gendry is. I think that he was the gift little finger promised her back in S4 or 5. We are led to believe the gift "of a young man" is lancel who rats out Cersie.. But I would think Lancel's full confession was well in by then.

    Alright.. let's see.

    Yes.. it could have been wardrobe for a modern day rock video. Normally Jaime is the only one that wears such fashionable jackets etc… Now that I mention it perhaps that to was intentional. Like the show getting all meta. Euron the chameleon has come to replace ser Jaime… But in the moment it seemed off putting.

    Ya, It's a bit arbitrary of them.. like "I buy the face and all but you "magically" change size too?.. No way!".. HAHA! This is also the first time we've seen a faceless person switch sexes on the show. so that was another question.

    I'll give you the soundtrack (love it)… But I don't think the show will get extended.

    As a season this has been a giant MindF***. I have mixed feelings about this one. As a whole it was illuminating and by the end, absolutely necessary and relevant. However… normally I'm caught by the imagery and the cerebral visuals… some of which is fantastic here. But the explosion dragged… hard… (I felt the same