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    I'd agree.. and ripping holes is metaphorically looking for that ticking hate inside himself. He said there's nothing to soothe or repair. But obviously there is… deep down there's a bitterness.. a Negative energy he can not (for all his wisdom) understand or control. Having put the holes there he ca no longer "cover

    This show took a dive somewhere along the way… It was a solid 1st season… though the source material is still probably better. The season was admirable. 2 was a test to see how far they could stretch it… it was decent… I liked the introduction of a substantial opponent. Then it dipped out in S3. This season has been

    I actually thought they did well to capture the tone of a 1990 show with the colorful pop of modern digital. I think it was off putting by design… like it's old, but it's almost futuristic.

    Well, it was a twisty turny ride with some awesome visuals and really.. really… great sound as mentioned. Still rolling everything around in my head but for the most part I have just 1 note..

    He is.. He makes some nasty comments in his conversation with Sy as well.

    Yuria took the cup and filled it. I thought I even heard a tap. If it was pee the camera would have stayed on the cup when Varga put it down IMO

    Wait though… if it were a real allergy (which Chuck contested) and I knowingly put the allergen (say peanuts) on your person that could be assault, no?

    Oddly.. he is actually the guy Chuck sees himself as. Honest, determined, intelligent and upstanding. Howard really believes the Law is too important to be played with… Chuck just says it.

    The statement referenced set the table and the meal was delicious!

    that's cool

    Why can't they make the joke in part about the "committed protesters"? They are all opinions… Maybe some protesters take themselves too seriously. And maybe that is funny to some people… and maybe those who see it as a "miss" also take it too seriously. Just my 2

    Incredible hour.
    1. I loved the animated parts and the change of scenery worked wonders for the entertainment value
    2. As it became clear that we would not be visiting other characters and that this "closed loop" may lead to nothing but back story my smile got bigger
    3. I have had that "quantum" theory discussion many

    I disagree… families pass down businesses… There was a time that dad wouldn't have considered the daughter. Running the business displays competence & ability. Building it from the ground is the most extreme example… the idea that it's either THAT or you're just meh… is silly, no?

    But if you don't open with that…. how will they rate the validity of your next statement?

    If this is an indicator of the spin off… I don't know…
    1. How can you lack chemistry w/ Yara? smh
    2. I thought the episode did well to critique the segregation caused by identity politics… until Zoey was properly converted by the end of the weekend. That was disappointing as there wasn't really resolution or nuanced

    1. If you don't like how much you make and think you're worth more, you have a talk with your boss - Correct, this is why identity politics focuses on elevating groups relative to each other. Elevating one's self, or the inability to is far less ambiguous and far more productive a goal… but it's not perpetual so many

    " the target of the joke seems to be Danielle. Rather than serving as a criticism of Luke and his close-minded nature,"

    That's a great point. #TeamGus

    disagree… the bobblehead is a novelty nick-nack… T-shirts are here to stay. Also, a shirt is more functional as promotional item. Shows that Gus' business is not about flash or trendiness.. or "recognition" ala the winking greek.. and is more thought out and sustainable.. which is why it is more successful as well.

    1. I thought this episode was a step up entertainment and performance wise from the premier..
    2. I felt some layers building and the "situational" dram-edy was more on point. Nikki's thought process in the room while the brothers are actually bonding and all the misunderstanding that cascades from it was nice.
    3. I am