
People need to clean off their nostalgia goggles. Chris Carter always wrote these lengthy, preachy, new-agey dialogs for Mulder, and tonight's were pretty much more of the same. This is the biggest part of why I preferred the monster of the week episodes. I liked the mythology at first, but at some point, the writers

I thought we were getting fat because of the Kanamits.

Leave Mexico out of it. They already have enough Chupacabra problems to deal with.

The indigestible plot twists contain potassium benzoate.

Only if Mulder tricks the bad guy to do it to catch him off guard.

Fringe did place itself into the X Files universe:

Arrested Development season 4 did an MST3K crossover.

I cannot believe you left out the songs of "Faith + 1"

Just watched the special features/interviews on the season 3 Hannibal DVDs. I'm partly reading between the lines and filling in the gaps here, but it sounds like the season was plagued by budget, schedule, and production problems. They had to cut short their filming schedule in Italy, and ended up pushing right up to

To anybody who has watched all forty of these shows: Get a life!

"We dug Coal together."

Actually, a Brazilian actor.

I've watched the DVDs, and the pacing feels more appropriate in the first three episodes if you watch the episodes more consecutively.

They did a trend study on Netflix, and the rate of viewership on Kimmy Schmidt went up drastically from episode four on. I almost quit after three, but I'm glad I didn't.

Too many jerks in the merkins?

I just realized that as of this fall season, I don't watch a single show on network television.

I've not seen season three of the Americans yet, but unless it's a real game-changer vs. the first two, I would not rank it higher than Fargo. It's a very good show, but just not great from what I've seen.

I don't think that the show is as great as people make it seem, as of yet. However, the story has a "things are not what they seem" quality, and it keeps moving in the right direction. I'm holding out that the "bad guys" are not actually the one-dimensional characters being presented, and the story will move into a

In some ways, I'd rather watch a terrible movie than a mediocre one. At least the terrible ones are somewhat memorable.

I just realized what we were missing from the finale. More Karl Weathers.