
Is Bran going to be this show's new Gendry? Final show episode, last scene: "Did I miss anything while I was away? By the way, I figured out how we can win."

What the hell was that?

After the bear attack, they should have just gone back to the gate. Thoros could have been their proof, and they probably would have gotten back while he was still alive.

All I could think of in the back of my mind during the battle was the Aleksander Nevsky suite playing in the background:

Does that make Matt Murdock his own Reba McClane?

What is it with these Netflix Marvel shows copying Bryan Fuller's show's opening credits?

That would make for an interesting plot point.

He talks to the trees, but they never listen.

Yeah, but Bran's off talking to the trees.

It didn't have enough battle scenes. People kept complaining that it was a "soap opera".

I'm baffled how a river drops off to about 20 feet deep about five feet in, and how long did they hold their breath that Dany and her dragon were both long gone by the time they resurfaced?

She has at least the servant girl that she already wore for Frey and a choice of any member of his family. I don't think that it is a one-and-done situation.

Could Valonqar refer to to the youngest son? Maybe Cersei dies during childbirth?

I was hoping that Huell would be with Gendry

Why didn't Arya wear a "face" when she was stalking Littlefinger? Would have made much more sense. (Or even better, several faces, although Walder Frey might have drawn attention)

After all, isn't there a little Sean in all of us?

No one who speaks German could be an evil man.

I envision Littlefinger dying in a similar manner to Paul Reiser's character in Aliens.

It was the olden days!

Bronn is Westeros' resident Radar O'Reilly