
Blevins is probably the worst thing to happen to this site, which had already been on a steady decline for quite a while.

I'm pretty sure it actually says as much in at least one Pokedex entry, too.

Thank you. BLING BLONG.

The sound of the caliopes… Magical.

Alien 3, you mean.

Was it at Taste of Edmonton?

That resulted in what remains some of my favorite interactions from ant TV show, ever.

Exactly. It's basically a trope in the Hulk comics.

In case anyone was curious.

So…gonna pass on this, then.

FUN FACT! The girl you're thinking of from Part 5? Her mom played the mom of Patricia Arquette's character in Dream Warriors.

I could not agree with you more. I want to read it again largely because of that.

Not all of them, no.

I…yes. Yes.

You're not alone in that. I agree with all of that, including being creeped out and seeing it at 13.

I think the SFX hold up a lot of the time anyway, but when you're talking about Rob Bottin and Rick Baker's respective masterpieces, you're gonna be blown away.

Jon Lovitz would be great for that!

I thought young Bruce Wayne had his parents killed before becoming Owlman.

According to Wikipedia, they were writers on the first one, but it looks like they dropped off and started their own brand of brain-searing awful shortly after that.