
Asswipes behind the Scary Movie series and a bunch of those other pieces of shit.

Fuck Jess Ross.

It is, and I echo this recommendation. So, so good.

Because WHALE!

The whole "wound in the force" thing was so outside of anything I'd seen or read within that universe. Loved it. So dark.

Yeah. Pa took him to a shack in the woods to sweat it out, I think. THEN HE DIED OF TUBERCULOSIS. Actually, I can't remember what it was, but I'm pretty sure he did die.

I had it on in the background while I was in "distance learning" for most of junior high. Miserable time of my life. Eventually I'd seen every episode and later got a couple of the DVD sets.

He's by far my favorite writer from the series, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that, so that sounds fan-fucking-tastic.

Uh…what about Jada Pinkett?

Exactly. Besides, even the traditional poutine recipe will taste completely different from one place to the next. Seriously. You can walk from the A&W on one end of the food court to the New York Fries or donair shop (every food court in Alberta has one) and get two vastly different dishes.

Wait, what? What do you mean by the cannibalism thing?

Just finished Resident Evil on PS4 with Jill (already did it as Chris), much to my girlfriend's annoyance. She likes watching me play that one and thinks I finish it while she's sleeping on purpose.

This article and the commentary are my favorite things on this site in about a week. We don't get to be nostalgic for the Genesis days very often around here.

Oh, man. I hadn't even thought of Eastwood. That's going to devastate me. I'll likely take up smoking again for a couple days. I don't know why, but that seems appropriate somehow.

Yeah, it's "Tunes," 'cause of her boom box!

THANK YOU! Chris-R's actor is totally the best in the movie. Especially considering he has to act alongside Denny.

Eh…Dragons' Den is OK. Aside from that, though…yeesh.

One of the reasons I bought Splatterhouse for 360 was the fact that the originals came with it, on the disc. That's such a great idea.

Well, that's depressing.