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    Unhinged freaks. The reaction to trump rivals trump himself in long term toxicity.

    Unhinged freaks

    He was distraught after Dirk Diggler denied him a kiss after he showed him his new car.

    Honestly I appreciate your candor.

    You could almost boil most of the good stuff down to the opening scene, with four or five good gags alone…..probably as many as the rest of their movie career.

    Chiling - aka how people behaved before they were worried about being judged every second of their lives.

    Thank god, I needed a laugh. These comments are gold.

    Yeah does not look real to me.

    RTJ on NPR. I have to say…..I saw these guys this weekend and they were good. However the opening act was this guy the gas lamp killer, I'd never even heard of him and he put on a top-5 dazzling show I've ever seen. Made rtj's act almost irrelevant.

    I liked the comment I heard the other day about a multiverse, and how there are theoretically many (or countless, not sure how it works) various alternate universes constantly splitting off….and we're in the one where Trump is president.

    I'm not sure we need to be counting the jokes to meet any quotas. They're both ridiculous people.
    But that said, like others have said the mockery was hardly equal. They portrayed Trump's campaign as a sad debacle where even he knew he wasn't qualified.

    I did a book report on "The Art of the Deal" in 7th grade. Where should I turn myself in?

    If one rates at 5 out of 100, and the other 10 out of 100, both are worthy of mockery.

    If its any consolation, it seems as though the backlash is already starting and will be at full swing soon enough. This crew couldn't go two weeks without pissing everyone off, just like their counterparts in the Tea Party did a few years back.

    What about the nazi fascists though? And the fascist nazis? Of course you have the nazi nazi fascist nazis - they are HORRIBLE PEOPLE. And the fascist nazi fascists who might even be worse. All I know is nazi fascist fascist fascist nazis nazi.

    Eric Hoffer has entire books on this:
    "Faith in a holy cause is to a considerable extent a substitute for the lost faith in ourselves"

    She is looking like Sarah from the Trailer Park Boys these days.

    Of course its fair to take them at their word - that Bannon stuff was insane. But arrested? That seems a bit much.
    However, beware of the trolling…while everyone is talking about that, which is functionally meaningless in the end, just talk…….they are doing meaningful stuff like getting ready to sell federal lands to

    Ted Cruz?

    I'll take any bet you want to offer up….what kind of odds do you want. 100-1? 1000-1?