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    Deleted? You folks are losing it.

    Mostly fair points. Thanks.

    Can we agree that calling people nazis, even if we have some partial basis for it, coarsens the conversation and makes cross-aisle agreement less likely in the long run? Or no. Same as libtard or cuck or any of that jackassery.

    Feeling better now? I hope I helped a bit.

    America is a very anxious place these days……and it predates Trump.

    Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if some sort of civil war or secession will happen in the next few decades because of sentiments like this. You have all the answers, your perspective is paramount, they are idiots.

    Sure, right now Trump is the head of the party, not interchangeable but right now seem to be tied at the hip. Trump can't do much without legislative support. He can't (I don't think) just keep issuing executive orders for four years.

    Haha I doubt you know what fascist means either. All meaningless bomb throwing.

    OK, but I don't think the group that has united to oppose him was all that fractured to begin with. Bringing right and left together in a cause would be a notable achievement. But fair enough.

    I just had to go look this guy up, and I'm not going to spend a second defending him but it seems as though his entire agenda is about Islam - does opposing Islam make someone a nazi? What other views does he have? I do see that he was banned from visiting UK, I'm assuming there is more than meets the eye - but is

    If you agree that Nazi is overused then that is enough for me. We can disagree on the particulars.

    That is one element but certainly not the whole package. Nazism also encompassed socialism, racial purity, territorial expansion, probably more things I can't think of. The connections are extremely tenuous and built upon an extremely dark reading of the GOP's intentions.

    If he were bringing everyone together, Trump would be doing an indispensable public service….helping sew this country back together where that currently seems nearly impossible.
    But its not happening - the right is not turning against him, and all that is happening is the tear down the middle is fraying. This policy

    Neat how quickly the left has adopted the tactics of the people they hate.
    Anyway, I'm not even taking it personally, but stuff like this is ruining everything - extremists (who are really just people with personal problems, lashing out) on both sides making one another crazier and crazier.

    Trump probably gets vastly more reliable clicks than any other topic.

    Nazi seems to be more about economics and national ideals than anything. What is this guy doing about nationalizing industry and socializing govt. policy?

    Because then why would he have qualified it with "white supremacist Nazi"? It doesn't make any sense in any context.

    You don't have any idea what nazi means. To you it seems to mean bad person.


    Anyone who uses the word Nazi in relation to any of this is a slobbering moron.
    America stops taking in poor people from a few countries - while still taking in more poor people than any other country in the world in the meantime - and we're nazis.
    Countries like Japan don't take a single immigrant, refugee, or