The Third Man

Never mind that, anybody got an endorsement for the Brie-and-butter baguettes?

I'm finally working my way through the back half of season 2 in anticipation of the new series, and yeeeesh, it's so aimless. The material isn't necessarily BAD in its execution, although you can certainly tell it's the work of those trying to ape Lynch (to varying degrees of failure), it just doesn't have the urgency

You couldn't read a two paragraph article?

Who gives a shit about Courtney Love?

Green Room is not, in the slightest, a monologue movie. That would've been wildly out of place.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off kicks the shit out of The Breakfast Club. Both films are ridiculous but at least the former doesn't pretend otherwise and revels in its fantastical teenage wish fulfillment. Breakfast Club will forever remain to me the single most prominent example of a dynamite concept squandered by its

Fucking wait, did you just suggest that the Terminator movies are not great movies?

Scenes from a Marriage.

If Christopher Nolan has five masterpieces, we've really devalued the word. I'm not even sure that Scorsese has five masterpieces and that guy's body of work can go against anyone's.

You post on SA, I'm guessing, if you're pimping John D'Amico's twitter. Which I only know because I do too and was just catching up on his feed, since I don't use twitter much but miss his posts.

I've always loved that moment so much. We've just watched her sneak a paperclip back to her room, break out of her restraints and her room by picking the locks, smash that one asshole guard in the face with a broken-off mop handle and steal his club, sneak her way through the hospital to beat the shit out of a guard

Fuck yeah.

They didn't even review Danny Brown's album, which is a stone-cold masterpiece.

As a KC resident, Tank 7 is the tits.

His name is literally Fat One, so yeah.

I love his goofy high-pitched voice so much, but I totally get why somebody wouldn't be able to dig it at all. I actually feel the same way about Madlib…I would call the guy my all-time favorite producer by a mile, I have dozens and dozens of hours of his work on my laptop, but I can't get into his Quasimoto albums at

I mean, to be fair…Method Man has a not-altogether-ridiculous claim as the best MC of all-time. I know more than a couple of friends who know plenty about hip-hop who would name him as their all-time favorite. The man is sick.

Danny Brown!

First thing I posted on facebook after the election.

Hell, show me where to get one. I was looking all around.