The Third Man

Never saw the film it's advertising, and since I'm miles from its target audience, I probably never will, but if I do, it'll be because of this amazing poster:

Uh, you lost me at "one of the greatest modern film directors"…

They have the Fields Medal, at least.

This is dumb as hell. Not only does Dylan's work exist in a musical, and not literary, context, but this all but guarantees that Thomas Pynchon and Cormac McCarthy will never ever win.

Just because I like debating best-ofs: I would say Raging Bull, Goodfellas, Badlands are the big ones that spring to mind. Great film, regardless.

SATANTANGO. Or any Tarr for that matter. The subpar quality of most of his films on home video is depressing. Only The Turin Horse and The Man from London are available in high quality and I'm not a particularly big fan of the latter, which surprised me given that it also stars Tilda Swinton, my favorite actor.

Yeah, I sold all my standard def releases a while back to clear space (400-500 movies, many of which have since been replaced on blu) and only ones I kept were my Criterions and the WB noir sets.

Damn, I was hoping to be the first to mention Pynchon. The names of the Chums of Chance in particular are all absolutely perfect.

I would argue that only Buster Keaton can compare to Chan as a physical comedian, and I think Chan's martial arts prowess gives him the upper hand.

Hoo boy, you wanna talk weight gain problems…I recently switched, after a long period of weight loss, to a muscle building regimen. Problem is I work 45+ hours at a turn-and-burn Mexican restaurant and another 25ish hours loading FedEx trucks. I've been pushing 4,000 calories a day for a month now and I think I MAY

You skip SONG CRY?! That beat is the smoothest thing on the planet.

We got a new Avalanches album in 2016, and it's damn good. That's enough reason for rejoicing, as much as as m b v was worth rejoicing - they couldn't possibly hope to match their sui generis predecessors, but they're both worthy follow-ups that retain the stamp of their creators' inimitable styles. Gonna be listening

De Niro burned himself out by being such an intense method actor. He was near-DDL levels of intense, but far more prolific than DDL has ever been. I'd have said "Fuck it" by that point as well - his legacy was secure.

Haha, I've literally never listened to the rest of the album because of how perfect that opening track is. I just can't get past it.

Brandon, do you not spend a lot of time in certain corners of the internet, e.g. Reddit or imgur? They're fucking obsessed with Scrubs. You can't escape it. Nobody is forgetting that show, though I wish they would. Zach Braff is the most punchable entertainer alive.

I came to post exactly this.

I have yet to convince a single person I know in real life to watch any of Bela Tarr's films. Granting that I don't hang out with many cineastes, but still, ever since I sought out Werckmeister Harmonies and then Sátántangó in college, I've worshiped the man. He's an unrelentingly serious filmmaker with hints of a

So everybody knows one of the great white whales of literary adaptations is Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, which seems all but unfilmable for a number of reasons, perhaps least of all because of the difficulty of finding an appropriate actor to play Judge Holden. The way I'd do it, I'd just scrap trying to find a

I like the peace
In the backseat
I don't have to drive
I don't have to speak
I can watch the countryside
And I can fall asleep

This list really stumbles right out of the gate by putting the greatest romantic comedy of all-time as runner-up for the letter 'A.' The Apartment is great, but come on.