The Third Man

It's weird how I'm supposed to be the dick here when you're the one who put words in my mouth (never called you wrong to enjoy it, just stating why I disliked it) and then insulted me. How's that work?

They spent like, what, 10 pages in the Stacks? And OASIS is literally just VR internet (wholly defined by being comprised of 80s references) and the gangs are just MMORPG clans. Saying it's not original is an understatement.

Well, you wouldn't, because there's nothing there. The question then is why you're so keen on defending it.

What did you actually get out of that excerpt, besides "Here's some shit the author likes," pray tell? You're welcome.

""Ready Player One" at least created a world that existed outside of its references."

Because its references are witless, predictable, tired, and without purpose. Because it's written artlessly. Because the characters are boring archetypes and the lead a wish-fulfillment Mary Sue. Because its plot is utterly thin, half-baked, recycled. Because it lacks even the slightest nuance or spark of genuine

Insufferable nerds are the ones pimping this book.

It is very actively bad.

In addition to the albums already mentioned which I love and have gotten lots of play from (particularly Kendrick, Vince Staples, and Lorde), I'd like to shout out Code Orange's Forever and Full of Hell's Trumpeting Ecstacy, both of which fucking rip. The Code Orange album in particular has been steady in my rotation

I think Rowling has actually admitted that one dude with a gun would probably take out Voldemort without breaking a sweat. USA! USA!

Owner of the most famous tackle in NFL history.

Ronnie tells Harry that he’s a pot of coffee by day, bottle of wine by night type of guy.

The big bummer of that montage is when you see that one of the prototypes gets eliminated by a hero and then the next prototype kills them anyway.

I'll probably catch this down the road but the middling reviews plus the fact that Steve McQueen is making a 2Pac documentary kinda took the wind out of its sails.

And I fucking love it. Rappers are doing such awesomely weird shit these days. Between Vince and Danny Brown, two of my all-time favorites are currently making some of my favorite music ever. Oh, and both are performing with Gorillaz here in KC in September…


The idea that Tupac was a trash human is one thing, the idea that he wasn't INTERESTING is quite another.

Oliver's Army is here to staaaay
Oliver's Army are on their waaaaay

Blazing Arrow is a 10/10 classic. Would be in my top fifty rap albums for sure, probably in the upper half of that.

I just did that thing I do every once in a while where I listen to all of Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness in one go. I never got into that band in my proper teen years, but I still really dig their first few albums, and despite its bloat, it's a hard experience to replicate, diving headfirst into the overblown