
As a Canadian, I am always shocked by how much you guys pay in taxes and how little you get for it.

Hey, comeon, that dude getting roasted was one of the more entertaining parts of ADWD.

Who needs empathy when you can have money!

Haha, that's adorable. I've had 3 dogs over the course of my short life so far. Loved them all and miss them thoroughly now that they're gone. I'm just saying that I've also had several cats and they've all been really wonderful pets as well. There's nothing quite as sweet as the eye smiles they give you when they're

Someone has clearly never given a proper feline belly-rub.

SOA wasted everything, including air time.

Women need men and men need women. Generally. There are exceptions.

But it was such a fun movie.

All the grunting?

They're not Chucks; after all, they're willing to give him a very solid shot. Yes, there are likely arrogant pricks at Davis and Main, but there are people like that EVERYWHERE. As partner, he'd be on Chuck's level. Heck, he would have been beyond Chuck's level because he would have done it in spite of everyone trying

Waldo was the weakest. It lacked the biting sting of the prior episodes and the socio-political commentary was substituted with a bunch of yelling, vulgarity, and deus-ex-machina spycraft. Now, I love me some vulgarity as much as anyone, but not when it's being touted as Onion-level satire. It wasn't satire, it was

I wonder which relative was the one Boyd killed…

After a few episodes into season 1, I never identified with Walt again. It was clear what he was becoming and that he loved it.

You're looking for a diatribe on why we enjoy it? Here's my 2 cents (and this is leaving a wealth out, simply because I don't find it necessary to spend 3 hours justifying myself). I think it's hard to explain specifically why Justified is so fantastic simply because so much of it
depends on tiny little things that

Wait, you're upset that it's not the exact same thing as everything else? Hmm.

I hope he took the avenging your partner speech to heart. Maybe we'll see a little honor from Mr. Duffy at the end.

Well, he has been to Afghanistan….and Mordor…

A load of painkillers and a raging desire to commit homicide probably help to dampen the pain.

I hate-watched the entirety of SOA. Then, after getting back to Justified and the newly minted masterpiece Better Call Saul, I realized that I didn't just hate SOA, I actually wished it would stop existing.

New Coke, man.