
Tim obviously cares about Raylan's wellbeing, otherwise he would've given him all the rope he needed to hang himself. Sure, he's sick of Raylan's BS, but he still likes the guy. That much is clear.

I like defining peoples' entire lives by a singular action in dire circumstances too. I find it's entirely fair and not at all psychopathic.

Brought back memories of Shane

I hope Duffy takes the avenging speech to heart and murders the living hell out of Markham. It would be just out of left field enough to not be fully expected.

How about if you're from a law school that immediately plunged about 20 spots in the rankings after you graduated. Care to guess which one? :P

Jimmy worked his ass off to do things the right way. He slaved for years in obscurity and poverty, trying to build something that his mentor and idol kept secretly ripping away from him. Then that same mentor and idol tells him that he's nothing more than what he used to be and that he can never be more. His spirit is

Are you the grandkid of Howard Ellis?

Same here. I felt awful listening to Chuck because I heard shades of myself in those words.

Trevor's more threatening when he's only in his tighty-whities.

I KNEW I recognized that guy, even though I'd never seen him in real life before. Trevor, you magnificent, psychopathic, Canadian bastard!

Person of Interest is fun. The mythology is incredibly deep though, so it's hard to hop in anywhere but the start. It's a little silly, but definitely fun.

Agreed. Jimmy is a far more tragic character than Walt.

I don't think they would've opened the show in Omaha if they didn't intend to revisit it at some point. I just hope that it ends with Saul/Jimmy calling someone that will help him to rebuild his life, as opposed to wallowing in self-pity and eating a bullet.

Personally, I love watching the two pace around each other, slowly slipping further and further into each others' orbits.

As someone who is legally trained and knows lots of lawyers, I can tell you that we come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments. Some lawyers are truly wonderful people without a nasty bone in their body. Others are cold, calculating, psychopaths. I went to school and worked alongside folks who fell into both of those

Pro bono simply means that you are doing the work free of charge. If Chuck refrains from taking any payment, it's all pro bono.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for his eventual redemption. Despite everything, he was never as lost as Walt.

I was almost wondering if the scene where he watches the Kettlemans crying was supposed to call back to his exile in Omaha, looking back on all he had lost. I feel much much worse for Saul than I ever did for Walt. His situation is far worse and he was never offered an easy out, like Walt was (free money). It's not

As much as he loves bending the rules to suit him, and is still doing so this season, he's going out of his way to keep Rachel informed. That alone, to me, says he wants this thing to end right so he can start a new life.

Arlo's homemade BDSM pornos, clearly.