
Maybe he could play Mike's nephew or something in Better Call Saul!

I've been working with digitizing old files for my employer and I came across the first name Boyd on one form and the last name Crowder on the next form. I had to take a moment. :P

Or Ty Walker referencing Robert DeNiro from Heat! "You see me doin' thrill-seeker liquor store holdups with a 'Born to Lose' tattoo on my chest?" (That's the line he quoted…can't quite remember the way he rephrased it toward Boyd)

Damn, this show is in great form this season. I was worried that it might stumble or faceplant, like Dexter, but I should have known better. Criminally underrated.

Come one, come all.

Because that's not why she was in there in the first place.

No, not really. Most actors and actresses are self-absorbed a**holes, even the charming ones. Hearing them speak about major issues at an 8th grade level is incredibly depressing because I know millions of people actually respect their perspectives. I'm sure there are some exceptions (and I know some are exceptionally

Same here. I felt like Raylan was finally confronting what it meant to stop being a boy and to finally become a man.

I loved the CG blood in Tucker & Dale VS Evil. It was so ridiculously over the top and it fit the movie perfectly.

Maybe you will find real substance in some high concept stuff, like Real Housewives of Atlanta.

*sigh* Oh Shane. I'm sure we all know people like that. No matter how many times they screw up, we just can't help but forgive them. Except for that episode.

I suspect he's going to try and string her along to make enough money to disappear. Then he'll disappear her and take off.

She's trying to be serious and to be taken seriously. In order to be the boss, she has to partially alienate her coworkers and lose the casual relationships she used to have. She's not comfortable doing it, nor does she fully have the hang of it yet. At least, that's what I get from her scenes.

Also, most criminals ARE pretty dumb. The really brilliant ones go into business (or government).

I would love the final episode ending with a flash-forward to Omaha. It could end with Saul overcoming his fears, picking up the phone, and Kim answering (or agreeing to get together for coffee).

Are you saying that Michael McKean is both technically and functionally gay?

The last movie I saw her in, they killer her character in the first 10 minutes. Such a sad bait & switch.

This season is knocking it out of the park. I hope your smugness gives you as much satisfaction as awesome escapist storytelling. :P

He was a scam artist just looking for free representation. He knew secession was a losing game, wanted to make a point, but didn't want to spend a cent doing it. Jimmy realized this and that's why he left.

I thought about that too. As long as she doesn't let it slip to Hamlin, it's all good.