
To be fair, Libya's a fairly terrifying place to be right now. Where do you think the ISIS commanders are going to flee?

And they don't even have a cool gunslinger walk like the KG…er…FSB.

The cartels put them out of the coke import business. What's a hard up spook to do?

*downloading unwittingly made homemade porn*

The best part of Swing Low, Sweet Clone is that the clones get in the hammock with you!

I love Reddick (and his creepy Roswell-Grey visage), but I think Elba has more of the range and confident/casual cool necessary for this. I wonder is Javier Bardem could pull it off.



Cool Hand Luke

What I'm hearing is that they are who our American elites are trying to emulate by stomping all over everyone else, while simultaneously (somehow successfully) convincing the trodden-upon that being stepped on is good for them.

Ah yes, nobody in America has anything to worry about in peacetime, except for the robber barons, the slow elimination of democratic legal protections, the entrenchment of a political aristocracy, mass poverty, mass shootings, incredibly powerful drug cartels, domestic terrorism, foreign terrorism….I could keep going….

So, what you're saying…is that Bruce Harwood, Tom Braidwood, and Dean Haglund perpetrated 9/11 under orders from Chris Carter?

I actually really enjoyed this show. Season 8 of The X-Files went back to its roots of horror and mystery, while the lighter comedy went to The Lone Gunmen. Watching them back to back was great and makes for really solid nostalgia during rewatch (except the heebie jeebies that the pilot brings).

Has the author ever been to Idaho? A weird corner of Tennessee is pretty accurate for a lot of that state (accents and all)…

To be fair, the second movie was supposed to come out, at most, a year after the show ended, not 6 years later.

To be fair, the second movie was supposed to come out, at most, a year after the show ended, not 6 years later.

I agree. Fringe felt like a cross between CSI and Buffy, whereas The X-Files felt like something I had never seen before and have never seen since. There's something peculiarly special about it.

I agree. Fringe felt like a cross between CSI and Buffy, whereas The X-Files felt like something I had never seen before and have never seen since. There's something peculiarly special about it.

Buffy over The X-Files? I don't even…

Buffy over The X-Files? I don't even…