
One of the obvious problems with Chuck's 'condition' is that electricity still travels through the wall circuits even when nothing is on or plugged in. Even when that room was dark, he was bathed in EM radiation.

Yeah. Law school will leave you $100,000 in the hole, easily.

Those doughnuts are the best. I'd love to see a post-credits scene in the final episode with a chubby Wynn Duffy chomping away on a Boston Cream.

Oh behalf of all the innocent folks who have been killed by drunk drivers, I believe you deserve as many lectures as people are willing to give you. That's getting off easy.

As someone who has spent time in a PD's office, it's not that they don't care, they simply don't have the time to spend defending that many cases, especially when the person is clearly guilty and there is very little they can do to mitigate the sentence. In a medium sized city, they'll often have upwards of 200 open

I would watch the heck out of that show.

To me, it just looked like a skin discoloration (wrong shape and in the wrong place).

Comcast sucks hard and is gunning to be an information infrastructure monopoly, giving them the control they need to effect as much social engineering as humanly possible. They need to be broken apart, there's no question there. However, Rogers in Canada is much much worse in terms of complete lack of respect for the