Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

[Bones & Kirk nod.gif]

Jim Lee should be forced to spend a week dressed like one of his character designs. Maybe Psylocke.

*immediately adds Hard Target to top of queue*

I thought I smelled something.

The timing doesn't really​ allow it to have been intentional, but the JLU Question sure feels like he shares some DNA with Tennant's Doctor.

[Ed McMahon voice] HEY-OH

Considering Deadman should mostly be his voice coming out of other people, Walken would be absolutely brilliant.

Honey, could you smuggle this in your purse?

"Dude, you went evilling without me AGAIN?"

"David Simon wrote a Broadway musical about The Pogues."

This just in: Tweed-Encased Oxford Dons Despise Popular Things Unless They Thought Of Them First

Oh yeah! I like Pretty Girl With The Great Hair in that other movie. Y'know, the one where she said something? I don't remember what she said, but she was very pretty in it.

There are women in these movies?!

Statham would only do Candy Asses if he got top billing over The Rock, so sadly that film will never happen.

Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham. If only Paul Walker had gone bald he might still be with us.

Oh yeah, the one where the 5.1 surround sound mix added little fart noises from the rear speakers. My cousin had that on Laserdisc.

Joe Friday in an Elmore​ Leonard novel. With aliens. And he's secretly an alien. And a little Kolchak.

Dragnet with detectives John Jones and Slam Bradley, overboiled Chandler/Hammett dialogue, and some supernatural and sci-fi trappings lurking on the periphery.

I think the fire thing is actually more clever than anyone really considered. Yeah, it's Martian Kryptonite, but unlike Kryptonite, anyone can get start a fire. BUT, you'd have to KNOW that fire does that to Martians, and who's going to tell you that? And even if you find out, J'onn could just pluck it out of your

Goddamn how I love New Frontier, even the movie. With just that one line Jeremy Sisto lands near the top of the best Batactors list.