Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Yup. Martians are only vulnerable to fire, like basically all other living creatures. Except Asbestos Man, of course.

As long as Ed Asner is still with us no other male actor is allowed to play Granny.

The way he used comic book-y sounded kind of derogatory so he may just have meant nobody was wearing a cape and tights.

It was nice of Perry to look the other way and let Jimmy live in the photo developing closet, but he really should've called social services.

Upvoted for þ.

The nice thing about Cyborg, storytelling-wise, is you can shut off his cybernetic parts and nerf him to manufacture drama, whereas Martian Manhunter is basically as indestructible as Superman.

Perverts In Tights
A Zach Snyder Film

Jack Kirby never came up with a name that good.

At least being Robin would still be pretty cool contrasted with being the kid who takes pictures of Superman.

I hate to break it to you after all these years, but your lines all got dubbed over with alien gibberish.

When Marvel eventually gets the rights back I'd like to see the FF as having already been around as seasoned adventurers who've just been gone exploring in the Negative Zone or something. Maybe they were only gone for a month but ten years passed in the MCU.

Sure, there are plenty of fun Fantastic Four villains, but if you're doing an FF origin movie Doom really should be there even if he's not the main antagonist​.

I have to disagree about that. Mike's definitely a writer first, but I believe he's a very talented perfomer. I think he wisely chose to play an understated straight man to the Bots rather than try to match their manic energy, like many of the the human guests hosts on The Muppets Show. If you watch him instead of

I lived it, brother.

I do like Pearl and Flavia sniping at each other while Brain Guy and Callipygius (8^D) become best buds but there are precious few laughs in Roman times.

That's my plan, too. I've even been playing some of the "classic" episodes they recently added to Netflix, just to give the numbers a little boost.

I never thought of it that way, but yeah, hopefully a whole new generation of weird kids is about to be become "the right people."

But bragging is okay, right? Because I'm planning on doing a lot of bragging.

Yeah, apparently I misread the earlier email, making for quite the pleasant surprise. Edited my original reply to correct it.

Actually, we platimum-level, diamond-encrusted backers don't get the rest of the season until Thursday. Joel's very concerned about the show leaking onto torrents and hurting the Netflix numbers.