Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

I like that their salad bar includes salads of the potato and macaroni variety.

I wasn't even going to scroll down here, but that last quote is such a beautiful alley-oop to the comment section.

"Uh, five days ago we had a joke here."

Tell us more about The Great Farting.

Honorary mention: Bonefish

Flying Dog Pearl Necklace. And most other Flying Dog varieties.

Almost everyone he hired on the technical side was fairly competent, and it shows.

Keep your stupid comments section in your pocket!

As I recall from Sestero's (delightful) book, they built the rooftop set, among others, in the parking lot of the production office.

Huh. How had that never occurred to me before? The parallels are many. Of course, Wiseau didn't make a bad movie on purpose, despite his claims…

She can indeed talk to squirrels, but that's not her only power. She also has super strength and jumping and climbing abilities. (She basically started out as a "What if Spider-Man but squirrels" joke.)

Yeah, I know what you mean. I imagine that's a side effect of watching a movie cut into bits & pieces over and over and over trying to find something to latch onto in a single scene. You miss the big picture and plot specifics blur into a haze.

It might be unfair criticism, but you can't just let something like that go un-remarked upon.

I will never get tired of playing with Transformers. But I got tired of watching Transformers movie sometime during the last act of the first one.

The X-Men books have been at the forefront of blue representation for decades.

'81 represent, woo-hoo! Nobody wants to claim us.

[ Monty Python Colonel ]
No! I'm putting a stop this right now before it goes any further!

Oh my yes.

So this "hacker" is just a particuarly creative up-and-comer in ABC's marketing department, right?

I think it's still a safe assumption that Black Lightning is set on one of the alternate Earths like Supergirl. I can understand wanting to avoid the logistical nightmare of all these characters sharing the same world, but they're smart enough to never say never. If Black Lighting's ratings struggle, a quick Flash