Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

From the director’s son to a woman who appeared in the film (with her father playing The Master) to a random dude hilariously trying to claim ownership of the Manos estate

Goddamn, that sounds exciting, though. My money's on Boston. I bet Kevin McHale was a kick-ass volleyball player.

Purposely avoiding perfection would go a long way toward explaining much of Hollywood's output. I believe that's the driving philosophy behind SyFy original movies, in fact.

Oops. Expert typo-shaming, good sir. Well-played.

One can't have a truly top-notch sitcom with a Roz.

Sounds like everybody had a great time.

Welcome, friends. As I'm sure you're aware, the theme of this evening's soiree is "The Most Dangerous Game." Weapons will be provided from my personal collection, but I hope everyone remembered to bring their own prey. I have a few spares in the dungeon, but not enough for everyone.

I'm going to whatever party Roz goes to.

Mental image of Sela Ward… I'll be in my bunk.

Yep. Great stuff. And Stranded In Space, Codename Diamond Head, and San Francisco International were movie-length pilots. I love all the made-for-TV experiments.

I'm particularly fond of goddamn, as it's only offensive to the sorts of people I like to offend.

I hope we get a cheezy failed network pilot in the new season of MST3K. And a "movie" edited down from a full season of a Japanese TV show.

Wow, that's like a borderline Crime Against Humanity.

That is both acceptable logic and quite possible.

I enjoyed TV Nation back when he was relevant and respectable.

Headline says "celebrity-filled" yet header image is Michael Moore. Hope, fired, blunder, etc.

[Kirk & McCoy nod gif]

I know! Just find a kid who looks kinda like a baby Rock to play Billy Batson. It seems so obvious. He's wasted on a villain, even one as charismatic as Black Adam.

I've been saying it for years now, but Dwayne should just be playing Captain Marvel/Shazam/whatever they end up calling him.

Or when Alfred Hitchcock would introduce himself and tell you what his new movie was about. How many directors could get away with that? "Hi, I'm M. Night Shymalan, and I just know you're going to love Split…"