Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Yeah, I imagine Chris Evans would've been happy to do it on the cheap, but there's no way Scott was going to get away from Captain Freakin' America. They would've had to back the money truck up for a ScarJo cameo though.

And then he shoots Deadpool in the junk with his enormous gun.

We’ve said from the beginning it’s more important to do this right than to do it fast.

Crackle Gingersnatch is my favorite Bond girl.

I hope we get a glimpse of T'Challa's dope hacky sack skills.

I'm not that fat…

Yeah, but it doesn't take five full minutes to flip past them and get to the post-credits page.

"It’s a real void on our menu, and it’s something that our customers ask us for."

They're not good puns. She's "funny" the way Eisenberg's Luthor was "funny."

"Cheetah will be just like Black Panther, but with spots! And she disembowels her victims. And makes cat puns!"
-WB executive

It's not Zombie Superman?

Damn Canadian actors and their unfailing pleasantness. Stop making it so hard to hate you!

They're identical cousins!

I liked the Sharknado riff well enough, as the first movie kinda straddled the line of sincerity, but doing the second was a mistake. I hope they let other Sharknados lie.

You're right that riffing purposely bad movies like Sharknado 2 doesn't work that well, but James Nguyen genuinely thinks he's a real filmmaker, hampered only by his inability to raise enough money to properly bring his vision to the screen. He could've been a modern Ed Wood if RiffTrax hadn't inadvertently convinced

How dare you slander the fine character of those hard-working concession monkeys?

A lot of restaurant chains with reward cards or clubs will give you a free burger/drink/dessert or something for your birthday but the risk of being sung at is just way too damn high.

That would earn the biggest tip ever from me. Maybe even the exceptionally rare tell the manager what a great waiter I had.

One day a year where everyone expresses their gratitude you exist, just feels a bit hollow.

It's Mack - OF COURSE he gave it a name. Just weird that we haven't heard it yet. They must be saving the reveal for when it becomes standard issue for all field agents.