Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

True, for the male characters at least. But with the big studios' timidity to do female-led superhero movies, I was expecting Disney to play it safe. Don't get me wrong; I'm glad that Marvel has stuck to their think-(slightly)-outside-the-box casting philosophy, just surprised.

That, but in the future with robots and flying cars.

… I'll be in my bunk.

That sounds suspiciously like a reused Gilligan's Island reboot cast. Craig Robinson as the Skipper, Christina Hendricks as Ginger, Nick Offerman as the Professor.

That is an extremely sad extremely short story.

Maybe not, but she's definitely the bankable A-list movie star who's carried an action franchise and has a built-in fanbase type. She would've been the safe choice.

Still wondering if they offered J-Law Captain Marvel and she turned it down, or they just didn't want to spend the money. Seemed like a no-brainer.

That's not success; it's how you get elected President.

Remember that story last year about the London jewel heist perpetrated by a gang of "retired" career criminals? That should be a movie. But this… This is straight of an episode of The Critic.

That is not the direction I expected your story to go when it started "I had a Cleveland Press when I was a kid…"

Sounds like you have Zapp Brannigan syndrome. Shampaggon?

That started me wondering if there are any ticket booth employees here to share what people called Batman V. Superman: Dawn Of Justice, but most people probably furtively purchased their tickets at the automated kiosk, wearing dark glasses and hoods.

Upvoted for remembering seaQuest.

"Daddy, I said I was sorry!"

Or X-Men: First Class, speaking of Logan and well-deployed PG-13 F-bombs.

Is there anyone reading the AV Club who wouldn't already know this?

hE iS WiTh uS aLwAyS

But is corn grass?

Parade Of Aquatic Champions, the most popular and requested short in Rifftrax history

Shut up, Candy Lion. Nobody cares.