Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Are you a witch?

I think I would actually be more excited at the prospect of a genuine No-Prize certificate, signed by Stan Lee. I'd rather get a cash prize, of course, but a No-Prize would be the coolest.

So James Gunn just inadvertently came up with a brilliant marketing scheme for every subsequent Marvel movie: Be the first to spot the Easter Egg and win a prize. We'll have fanboys buying tickets for multiple showings all opening weekend.

You're thinking of Sharknado. James Nguyen still thinks Birdemic is a good movie.

Stupid politics ruining my otherwise couldn't-miss prediction of dongle for Word of the Year.

You just made me imagine Professor Farnsworth saying "Good news, everyone! I've successfully developed a method to invert the gender of a Diggle!"

"Snatch Elmo's blanket" sounds like a euphemism for something I just want to stop thinking about.

Which is why the character exists in the first place.

Transformers, which we’ll admit was more fun and slightly more intelligible than Crystal Skull.

Now we just have to wait and see whether Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleston will take on the role.

I hate this! It is revolting! Another, please.

Imagine the endless variety of naked time jokes they must've suffered over the years.

A food critic with literally no sense of taste or smell. Why do I even know his fucking name, let alone care about his opinion?

It's like a near-sighted cabdriver who refuses to wear glasses.

a running gag has Brent Spiner unable to control his flatulence


Doesn't Bourdain smoke like four packs a day? So, logically, everything tastes like shit to him. Which would explain a lot.

Watterson's stand against merchandising was the height of hubris. Those godawful Calvin peeing stickers wouldn't exist if there had been genuine licensed merch on the market. I'm sure he must understand that now and he's probably ground his molars down smooth over it. It was his right as an artist to take that stand

What a fantastic time we live in, where even the willfully ignorant might embrace technology.

You can't spell CLASSY without ASS.