Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

I would be more than fine with that. Toss in Fassbender and Gillian Anderson, too. … Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my bunk.

I would very much like to see a Max Landis Power Rangers movie. But this? I give Daniel Craig-level fucks.

Cillian Murphy must play Tesla is something some day soon.

The British version of Criminal Intent sounds a tiny bit less stupid.

You too? Wait, is Debbie cheating on me?

Exactly. At least in the '90s (if I recall correctly) there was the Secret Defenders, where Strange teamed up with a rotating group of heroes he picked for specific missions. But you still need the guy who founded the team. Why not make an Avengers movie without Ant-Man and Wasp while they're at it, too?

Don't forget to lick your finger and stick it up in the wind.

That was the other Harlem, the one in Toronto.

HAWKEYE: "Hi, I'm Clint. I'm really good a shooting arrows. Like really really really ridiculously super good. Also a decent acrobat."
EVERYBODY: "Hi Clint."
"But I'm on a team with an indestructible super-strong monster and the God of Thunder."
WILDCAT: "Hi, I'm Ted. I'm a boxer and I'm on a team with three of the most

I'm hoping for Zen surfer dude Iron Fist, like in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon, if only to differentiate him from Daredevil. Hell, Danny even filled in for Matt for a while and nobody noticed.

D-Man? Hell yeah!

It ain't the Defenders without Doctor Strange, even if he's only the Charlie to their Angels. (Would that make Wong Bosley?)

GRRR reluctant upvote

without sacrificing its theater-nerd charm or root-tapping musicality.


I'm imagining a less goofy Mars Attacks mashed up with a less dour War Of The Worlds: a breakneck-paced, pulpy, slightly tongue-in-cheek action-adventure alien invasion romp. So basically the Indiana Jones flying saucer movie Crystal Skull should have been.


[I don't want to live on this planet anymore meme]

There is no more dangerous creature in all of nature than a Bond who gives no fucks.

What I suppose I REALLY want is for Spielberg to do a movie that does for 50s B movies what Raiders did for 30s adventure serials.