Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Cillian Murphy should be Tesla.

Agreed. Edison was schlubby.

Is that last paragraph lifted straight from a press release?

Hooray! Now maybe retool Tick's Giger-esque costume a little?

I just came here to make sure the correct Sm Neill header image was used. It was. Go about your business, AV Club.

Asgard waged valiant war against Broheim for centuries, to no avail. The Bro giants trouble the realms still.

Have you ever laid eyes on the horror that is the Nets' Brooklyknight?

Finally! I've been looking for a Sailor Pluto with interchangeable face parts and attachment joints FOREVER.

"Cult-like"? Polygamous survivalist families hoarding ammunition and non-perishable canned food are cult-like. Apple is up there with the major world religions.

Paraphrased from memory but I think I got pretty close. I've only watched Boggy Creek II, oh, a couple dozen times?

Warner Bros: “We can do a little better on the creative.”

I scrolled down here expecting MST3K quotes, and was not disappointed, but my personal favorite is missing:

Hrm. It'll be difficult to blame that on autocorrect. Seeing the combination of Michael, gasbag and 1971 cheezfest, my brain must've lept to a not-unreasonable conclusion.

Hey, that's uncalled for. Michael Caine was still quite svelte in the '70s.

More likely though the programme will concentrate on sexy young American officers leaping out of burning zepellins and firing backwards.

And with their recent Netflix deal, CW is basically just producing streaming content that they happen to broadcast for the few hundred Americans who still watch TV.

Whether you love superhero movies, hate them, or are blissfully ambivalent, I think we can all agree that an Eddie Murphy-starring superhero comedy would be a crime against humanity.

Mike might have been a little more suspicious if he saw the guys who hired him as a temp had been holding his missing-presumed-dead cousin captive for over five years.

I saw that at the $2 second run theater and still felt ripped off despite having read the books and expecting an unsatisfying ending.

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