Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

… Okay, now that's all I'll ever see. Thank you, I guess?

So… Who else thinks the current Zack Snyder Batsymbol is buttass fugly? Frank Miller just drew it like that because, y'know, he drew everything ugly.

That's a deeeep cut

I dunno, that's the only sort of thing he's genuinely good at.

That sounds like a pretty good idea executed utterly wrong.

Then you have made at least one wise life choice.

How is it that Polar somehow manages to make surprisingly decent sugar-free chocolate-flavored fizzy water and yet produce the foulest ginger ale available?

Not many people remember than Antonio had been a respected rocket surgeon back in his Mediterranean homeland before he left to drive a cab in Nantucket.

Check your email; your No-Prize is on its way.

I've heard an unsubstantiated rumor that Minister Sinister was the original idea but the editors (not unwisely) nixed it. Nathaniel Essex sure sound like a character from The Crucible.

Definitely. It won't feel like The Future if the computer doesn't sound any more natural than Siri does now. It needs to be a real person acting like a computer.

Disco Cisco would also be acceptable.

I love cartoonishly randy old ladies.

Where might one sign up to volunteer as one these dummies?

Lowered by winch? Pfft. Let me know when they've perfected fly-it-directly-into-my-mouth technology.

Marina Sirtis lobbied for the gig of Computer Voice this past weekend at the convention. Make it so!

Well, I'm still waiting for some sick breakdancing from Vibe.

That kinda makes sense in general, but why Cisco? He has so little in common with Vibe he's practically a character original to the show.

Ugh. Disgusted upvote. Well-played.

I know, right? The whole movie could just be a marketing scheme to sell a Nerf Skeets to every kid and/or fanboy on Earth.