Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

They're correct, though. There is a sizable percentage of the American population that refuses to watch B&W movies under any circumstances. Of course, none of that percentage overlaps with people who appreciate movie-riffing.

It repeatedly drags its limp, dying carcass back and forth over that line for over 70 minutes, all to incessant pipe organ music.

Stately Marvel Manor, which secretly sits atop the Excelsior Cave.

The Himalayas are in the Catskills, aren't they?

Do we REALLY need to see how good Peter Parker is at skateboarding?

Where can I sign up for alerts for when tickets become available?

"But Spider-Man wears a mask. That covers his mouth."

Max Bialystock's Best Production Yet!
-Time Out NY

… I was not prepared for such a reasoned response to my flippant comment. Well put.

Song Of Spider-Man: The Inside Story Of The Most Controversial Musical In Broadway History

I look forward to the inevitable Ocean's Retirees, wherein George Clooney and Sandra Bullock's characters' elderly parents get the geriatric old gang back together for one last score.

Oh, sure, a Mind Obliterator. But I make mine with Old Crow and Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi. Not quite a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster, but it'll do in a pinch. (I think Old Janx Spirit is illegal here in New York.)

Congratulations, O'Neal. You somehow made me nostalgic for a period of my life I've spent the past ten-plus years trying to wipe from my memory. Anybody know if one particular liquor kills more brain cells than the others?

We rpersent the Lpopilop Guild.

The guy's name is Mnuchin and you don't even mention it in the first paragraph? Talk about burying the lede.

Wait, he wasn't a fat Jamaican? You just changed my whole damn worldview.

Keyvan Sarkhosh, a postdoctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute For Empirical Aesthetics

Well sure, that was always a given. It's practically a law of screenwriting. But I was hoping we'd actually see them together and get a look at Deadshot attempting to be a good father. It would be nice to see someone genuinely trying to be a decent human being in a DC movie. (And maybe we do; I haven't seen it yet.)

According to Scott Adams. And he spent a whole hour researching it, so it must be true.

Jurassic Park. I like the way you think.