Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Ohhh. I too enjoy reference-based humor. The Nymets are my favourite squadron.

I admit I'm relieved that Deadshot's kid is involved. She's an important part of his character. Hitman-with-a-heart-of-gold is a lot less cliche when he has genuine motivation. Despite all the attention Harley is getting, I could see Floyd being the breakout character of this movie.

This is one of those could-be-a-joke or could-be-real-DC-canon statements. I genuinely can't tell.

That… actually sounds delightful. Invite me over next time. But remind me not to sit/lean/breathe too hard on any of your furniture.

Grant Morrison and, um, maybe… Nope, just Morrison.

I almost made a Trapster gimmick account to respond to this but, like the real Paste Pot Pete, I just couldn't be bothered.

Adaptation, uh, ah, finds a way.

Gary Stu likes Gary Music!

I can't speak for the misogynists out there, but I consider Mary Sue to be a gender neutral term. It has nothing to do with her being female and everything to do with being an underdeveloped character with unearned, or at least unexplained, abilities. So she's strong with the Force. So was Luke, but he he was a whiny

Swap out Mary Sure for Chosen One or Neo if you want to. She's inexplicably good at everything simply because she's the hero and we're meant to like her. That's what Mary Sue has come to mean in more generalized discussion, I feel.

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This might sound insufferably hipsterish, but Last Chance To See is my favorite Adams work. You can feel how excited he was that his writing might not just make people laugh, but make a difference. This world needs more Douglas Adamses.

I appreciated the movie as an attempt to tell a cohesive story based on Douglas's hilarious nonsense. I didn't love it, but I liked it more than I thought I would, and some bits might be the best version of HHGG out there (Marvin, the Guide itself). I'd love to know just how much of the final film came from Adams'

So a Verizon contract, basically?

Old running gag from my college days: "Don't Dick Dastardly; Dirk Gently."

To be fair, they didn't cancel it so much as completely retool the channel, and some of the execs felt bad about not continuing a show they were proud of. Contrast that with, say, Fox burying Firefly in a shallow grave, then high-fives all around.

I didn't hate Max Landis before - he's a dick, but a fairly clever one - but that was before I saw this photo of him.

Something something Bill Cosby yadda yadda

Single Female Lawyer
Fightin' for her clients
Wearin' sexy miniskirts
An' bein' self-reliant!

I'm also quite willing to believe that Neal McDonough can make your head burst into flames just by staring at you intensely.