Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Kirk and Spock travel back in time and meet the Beastie Boys, accidentally influencing the lyrics of "Intergalactic," and cause a temporal paradox that erases this entire alternate timeline.

Welcome to the fold, brother. Come for the cerebrality, stay for the irrational fanboy rage.

This is just speculation, but I imagine Paramount asked if Simon wanted to help write the next one, and he replied "Oh, fuck no!"

All three of them were spin-offs of already-successful male-led properties, though. (I think that Daredevil movie was financially successful. At least enough to make a spin-off.)

I have genuinely, unabashedly loved Colbert's Hungry For Power Games segments, but I was really hoping he had retired that goddamn wig last week.

Two very apt analogies, but I'll just be giggling all day at the mental image of Richard Lynch as Elmer Fudd.

Wow, mean-spirited and uninformed. Nice job, dickweed. Without Josh the show as we know it would never have existed.

That's Kevin as Roger Whittaker in the sketch. Not much of a stretch for Kevin, really. I think both Kevin and Mike may have done impressions in the theater, though I can't recall.

My guess is that they think it's more current and/or more mature subject matter but it just feels like the thoughtless, casual homophobia of an earlier generation. What bugs me is that I know Kevin and Bill are very open-minded and they're all better writers than that.

Yeah, I let that slide for a long time because I had assumed Bill was gay and it was all in good fun, but when I learned Bill's been married to a woman for years, it started making me uncomfortable. But I don't find the gay jokes mean-spiritedly homophobic so much as just waek, lazy writing.

Donald Pleasence in The Master's poncho as Prosser Kobras; his butler, Tor Johnson, dressed as Torgo; and an army of Mole People henchmen wearing black tank tops and ski masks.

What, are you ashamed of Uranus?

Absolutely. And the really sad part is that, unlike most of the bad decisions the writers made, they made that particular mistake for good reasons.

Karl Urban is simultaneously overjoyed to be in Star Trek and embarrassed to be involved in these terrible movies. You can see it on his face, bless him.

I would guess it's something sport-related, like when Europe got the first Avengers movie a couple weeks before the US so as not to compete with the World Cup. Maybe Australia is really into the Olympics? There must be some country out there that still gives a shit.

And also, the intimation that they're actually gonna develop anyone aside from Kirk/Spock/Uhura is moderately laughable.

Cosplayers would have better-looking costumes.

About three weeks ago?