Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Eh, alongside his buddies Paul Hewson A/K/A Bono and Derek Rowan A/K/A Guggi, Fionan Hanvey A/K/A Gavin Friday is at least real-sounding enough to justify sticking with it long past your teenage wannabe rockstar years. "Gavin Friday" sounds like the star of a hard-boiled private detective series set in Belfast.

Nope. "America Bless God" is worse.

That's better than how my aunt refers to the "very polite colored family" up the street.

The hubris is eating him alive.

It was the name of a record store or something in their hometown.

Answering the unasked question "Was he a cannibalistic murderer before he put on the bunny suit?"

This has nothing to do with Justice League. We're finally getting the live-action adaptation of Bill Corbett and Len Peralta's Super Powered Revenge Christmas!

Like how Rebecca gained a hundred pounds and joined a cult, Woody took a position on the board of NORML, and Clif retired from the postal service for a gig as good luck charm to a computer animated film studio.

They were acting out the tale of Zlateh the Goat for the Atlantean Hanukkah pageant.

Well, I'm certainly no Aquaman expert, but I believe he can communicate in some form or another with all sea life in the animal kingdom. So from blue whales to plankton and everything in between, I guess. I hear anemones like to tell really filthy jokes.

Just like in Beijing.

It seems to kinda depend on the artist and/or the most recent DC reboot.

It's almost as if he's some kind of self-obsessed egomaniac who needs to frame everything from his own skewed perspective.

Yeesh. I'm sure she meant it as a compliment, but I'll be damned if I can see how.

Kelsey Grammer is way douchier. Sideshow Bob seems pretty charming when he's not attempting to murder you.

Which makes me wonder, would Atlanteans even have a concept of beverages? "What are these accursed things?!" Their war on the surface world begins by attacking the Olympics.

Yes, please.

Wan also expressed that making an Aquaman film also means more freedom, noting, “I love the possibility of creating a whole new world. I’ve always wanted to do a world creation story and visually create this amazing, incredible, magical kingdom.”

In four months I look forward to seeing
"MABASPLOOM!" - SadBatman, The AV Club
in huge letters across the blu-ray.

I'm pretty certain Unbreakable's "screenplay" was a couple of wingsauce-smeared napkins.