Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Eh, I still like his brief run on Green Arrow. Of course, being sandwiched between Kevin Smith and Judd Winnick will make anyone look better.

Now I'm imagining how the Frank Miller Testament would be…

There's probably an untapped fortune to be made if someone can figure out how to do a serial killer fantasy camp. There are plenty of bored, wealthy sociopaths out there who lack only the initiative.

My reasoning exactly. Too bad the $3 second-run theater doesn't have this cut.

Also, he doesn't take the time to explain or equivocate because he's busy saving someone else. "What's that, ma'am? You want to have a philosophical discussion? I'd love to, but there's a massive earthquake in Indonesia I really should be dealing with, plus a crashing plane to catch on my way over the Pacific. Maybe I

Craig Ferguson, is that you?

Oh, now I get it! She's a female Rodney Dangerfield. I never liked him.

There was also the sketch where host Seth MacFarlane is a square white guy who gets a hip makeover from the Steve Harvey show, so it's basically an A- minus episode for recent years' SNL.

You'd have to be a really hardcore feminist to insist on hitperson. "Hey you misogynist asshole, a woman can murder people just as well as a man!"

Something something founded by criminals yadda yadda nawt a knoife. Beeyah.

If you spell pajamas with a Y the fanciness is implied.

If trailing off in the middle of a train of thought and completely forgetting what you were talking about is a form of amnesia, then maybe, um, you could… I'm sorry. What were you saying?

This is gonna sound really bad, but I've fantasized about being a serial killer. Not the killing people part - I doubt I could ever kill anyone, even in a fit of rage - but the elaborate planning and patiently toying with the police sounds right up my alley. Plus being generally creepy and off-putting.

Clearly you don't live in New Jersey.

Roger Moore is Australian?

He's wearing denim briefs under the Perry Ellis suit.

Hey stoned Massachusetts collegiates, there's only one beer in the keg. Whoa.

Michael Fassbender's ears are burning.

winning in a game of sports