Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Well, they do have a frickin' dragon on their flag…

It happened when Barry first tried on the tachyon doohickey. He ran faster than he'd ever run before and opened some kind of portal. When he gets back to Star Labs he asks "How long was I gone?" and Cisco and Caitlin look confused, but that's it.

I would be pretty okay with that.

In X-Factor, that was Peter David's explanation for why Quicksilver is such an asshat all the time:

Now I'm Prune Tracy!

He's a charming, handsome genius. He can make lots of new daughters. Unless the dark matter wave caused some plumbing damage… Maybe that's why he's so grumpy.

Puck has a fold-out sofa he can crash on.

Yeah. I'm not even a little amazing and it's giving me a complex.

What with that scene actually affecting the plot and then Nightcrawler appearing in the rest of the movie, yeah it's indisputably better.

Okay, that was a little hyperbolic. The '90s weren't so bad, especially contrasted with, say, the 1930s or the 14th century. If nothing else, many of the cartoons were very good.

Short answer: Yes. Spider-Man 1 and 2 as well. It's not logical or fair, and I'm completely aware of that, but it's a visceral reaction. Now, if X2 or Spider-Man 2 comes on I'll watch and thoroughly enjoy them, but I feel no compulsion to pop in my once well-worn DVDs.

That's probably why Drameh's American accent feels authentic to me. I've noticed that a lot of British actors overdo the rhotic Rs, which sounds wrong to me. For example, Hugh Laurie's American accent on House is so perfect that it doesn't sound like he's actually from America so much as from the mythical "America"

Trust me, they're still weirdos. Just with a different degree.

Maybe if the actor could sell it.

You have pictures of your mother, I don't! THAT MAKES US ALIKE.

She gets up, dusts herself off. "I was monologuing, dammit!"

Medical examiner is a different thing!

My wife is a forensic scientist. They all look ordinary, but normal people don't choose a career that involves hours of looking in microscopes every day. And they make weird chemistry in-jokes.

"Joe, you know I'm not an idiot, right? I'm a detective too."

My forensic scientist wife was pretty disappointed that CSI Barry hasn't made an appearance since the pilot. Maybe the producers figure there are already too many wildly inaccurate portrayals of forensics on TV, but at least Barry has a reasonable explanation for how he produces results inhumanly fast.