Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Snart: "Seriously, Barry? You still don't have any mini marshmallows?"

Putting him in a blonde mullet wig would be hilarious, no debate.

Well, at the risk of sounding like a Trump supporter, "mush-mouthed youth" is a pretty common dialect around here and Franz Drameh is nailing it. I had no idea he was British, whereas during Carter's first appearance on The Flash I spent the whole episode wondering where Hentschel was from. (Never would've guessed

Jax's mom calls Clarice: "Did your husband kidnap my son?"

Glad I'm not the only one who made the Hourman/mirakuru connection.

I suppose Nazis would target Triexians on general principle.

Artificially intelligent mobile Keurig machines everywhere. And they're free! They don't even passive-aggressively ask for tips.

Not his face, so much as his apparently broken neck. If you're gonna use the same effects shot ten times, at least use a good one.

It sounds very natural to this New Yorker.

Barry broke it.

Eh, he referred to everyone formally like that. I think the producers actively avoided drawing any unnecessary attention to how much they cribbed from Doctor Who, otherwise you know Ray would've at least dropped a Tardis reference.

Similar law in NY.

Step one: Cast an adorable red-haired girl who can sing.
Step two: Blind her with that goo from Daredevil.

A bunch of mad scientist holed up on Oolong Island trying to one-up each other? "It's time for the invention exchange, Ivo."

That is one nerdy-ass double reference. It's like you made it just for me.

Manoman, those were the days. And then Homicide was on at 10 one channel over.

Don't make me choose!

Not to mention a dude who's been divorced how many times has no business trying to do a straight love song.

What gets me is that every other song on Rockin' The Suburbs (except maybe the title track) is horribly depressing lyrics set to catchy, upbeat melodies, and then you have what is ostensibly a sweet, heartfelt love song that's dirgier than Morrissey euthanizing his cat. It's such a bad choice to end the album.

Very next panel: Bobbi's wearing the helmet. I've read enough comics to confidently make that prediction. 50/50 chance it ends up being important later in the issue.