Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Or the related back-handed compliment "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!"

Wow. I knew that, but I never actually considered the math. Nowadays only syndicated reruns of Law & Order get that much airtime.

Pff. They spend more time writing one episode of MST3K than a whole season of some shows.

Those fiends.

That was actually one of the big selling points of MST3K moving to cable. The Comedy Channel was just launching with 24 hours of programming to fill, so a dirt cheap, 2-hour comedy show sounded perfect. And it was a match made in heaven for six blissful years. Then South Park happened.

I had no idea who Baron Vaughn was until I looked up his episode of Comedy Central's Half Hour. Holy crap, he's good. I almost wish he were playing the human and Jonah was Servo, but I can see Joel's reasoning. Baron and Hampton have way more energy to channel through a puppet than Jonah.

I like Quantum a lot, but the film's not quite as good as the sum of its parts should be. But then, that's a lot of Bond movies' problem.

That is a very good point. I wonder if Craig is aware of it.

Plus, considering Casino Royale is almost 40 minutes longer than Quantum, you could end it with Bond and Vesper recuperating and have two better-balanced, more satisfying movies.

His hands don't work, he has no genitals; that only leaves one option… I hope Joel really sanded down the edges of that bowling pin.

Or you might suffer the same affliction I do. my face, it seems, was designed for a bowler hat, which has been out of style for well over a century.

Thanks to you, I learned something new today. Fun fact: if you type wombat into Google the second result suggestion is wombat poop. Clearly I've not been keeping up on my marsupial excrement news.

Huh. Squirrel, girl, and a little velociraptor. Well that utterly ruins what was otherwise a completely scientifically plausible superhero.

If you feel more capable with a cleavage window and five-inch heels, who am I to judge?

Okay, now it just feels like you're pulling my leg.

Be sure to wear appropriate clothing!

Also, the forecast is predicting weather this weekend. I hope that helps.

All the power of a squirrel, and the power of a girl, plus sometimes the limited ability of a cat because having claws all the time would get pretty friggin awkward.

Something he's immodestly proud of, I'm sure.

That would almost possibly make me maybe consider seeing the movie, but as I understand it, Marvel owns virtually all the I.P. other than the name Rom and his visual design.