Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Hell, she's not even in the top five most extraneous humans in the movies.

He deserves it for the Fantastic Four cartoon alone.

No, just neutered.

The amazing tone of the Transformers Wiki is almost solely due to webcomic artist and supergeek David Willis (Check out shortpacked dot com.), but it's a credit to the Tf fandom that they allow it. Can you imagine someone trying to be funny on Wookieepedia?

You fantasized about beautiful, lousy actresses in a cement mixer?

Questions like that are why I surrendered to just using an image.

There was a series of pretty funny Flash-animated X-Men videos somebody made years ago where Wolverine had the most stereotypical Canadian accent possible. That will forever be how Logan sounds in my head. Hey, cut it oot, hoser!


Wombat Wolverine is the one from Spider-Man & His Amazing Friends.

I genuinely like Chris Hardwick but these shows still me want to slap him.

Not to be outdone, the official Star Trek Twitter account presents Klingon Kryptoquip.


I'm struggling to think of something more boring than soccer fucking sudoku.

You spelled Michael Fassbender wrong.

But what if I need to wipe out the Klingons?

I'm listening…

"Based on your horoscope, you enjoy fried fatty foods, bright colorful things, and either extremely large or extremely small gasoline-powered vehicles." Whoa, astrology is real!

I've heard some reasonably logical defenses of astrology, but that ain't one of them. Everyone spends more time outdoors when the weather is nice, regardless of what time of year they were born. Plus, your hypothesis would mean that horoscopes should be inverted for folk in the southern hemisphere.

As an alternative, people may just want to take ownership of their own lives and decisions.