Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Some AMC stuff comes to Hulu and some doesn't, so definitely maybe?

Channing Tatum can't help that his face looks like that!

Death's Head maybe kinda?

I was thinking more like salmonella, but your idea sounds cooler.

Or maybe typical roughly human-shaped xenomorph but that smaller second mouth/tongue/proboscis thing is a sock? And rather than acid, its blood is a powerful opiate.

He stole Ray's heroic death. An inveterate thief to the very end.

In short, I'd say her presence becomes less grating, but her tendency to make stupidly bad decisions gets more annoying. Hey, somebody has to be the source of conflict.

I thought I saw a guy who looked a lot like the goofy sleeveless hoodie New52 Cold.

That is all that's pleasing about Laurel.

Once they finally pull the trigger on Barry and Iris as a couple, I'm certain she'll immediately become the Lois Lane-style reporter who throws herself into suicidally dangerous situations knowing her superhero boyfriend will save her.

Bad wigs?

Yeah, there's no reason Magneto needs a helmet. Give him a lead-lined fedora. (Or whatever it is that protects him from telepathy.) In muted Magneto colors.

Goddamn, I want to see live-action Kirby dots so bad!

Now I'm wondering what a xenomorph that gestated in Anthony Kiedis would look like. Cuz you know there'd be something weird about it.

Skip right ahead to President Trump's inauguration?

Nah, he's safe. 2016 only kills celebrities unexpectedly. They might have been expecting it, but we had no idea, so reports of Anthony Kiedis being hospitalized are almost guaranteed to keep him alive.

"Too fresh" chicken could totally poison you, but I see your point.

"Let's just say I set out to scare criminals, not children."

Those West Point grads (I think) almost got in hot water for doing this very thing.

Pfft! He was not.