Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

Vodka: What, like you're gonna make Jell-O shots with gin?

Wow. I'm imagining how disappointing it would be if New Frontier was my first exposure to comics. Almost nothing that followed could live up to that.

Shh! Don't give Death any ideas.

Only if Aisha Tyler turns it down.

You just had your mind expanded by NEXTWAVE, the Best Comic Ever™

Wow, that's beautiful. Why have I never seen it before?

GodDAMMIT, 2016.

Vodka. A Polish joke in a bottle.

Vodka: Tastes how sophomore year felt.

Ah. From what I understand, Pennsylvania has some pretty draconian alcohol regulations, so I'd guess that was part of the problem for them. (Yet, ironically, we here in NY go to PA to buy fireworks.)

Vodka: Because you've secretly always wanted to park your car in a pond.

Not remotely Irish and not particularly taller than Shadow. Sounds like desperate last-minute casting.

It's a Brownie named Ernst. He has a severe drinking problem.

I know, right? I'm usually not in favor of stunt casting, but come on, Starz.

I think it's okay because there's no real American iconography like the Stars & Stripes. These cans are still clearly Budweiser with some tweaks. The idea itself would be pretty cool if only it was, say, Sam Adams or some other brewery that doesn't completely suck. 21st Amendment Brewery has some really cool patriotic

Vodka: It tastes better on the way back up, depending on what you ate.

Vodka: The only remaining sense memory of your 21st birthday.

Vodka. Why your spinster great aunt dances that way at weddings.

Vodka. Because Everclear is illegal in some states.

Vodka: Making tomato juice almost tolerable for nearly a century