Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

And Guinness Extra Stout is imported all the way from Canada.

Older Than Phoenicians would be a good name for a rock band.

Vodka: Get cirrhosis James Bond style

Sure, but I don't automatically associate "Hollywood movie" with quality the why I do "Belgian-style" beer. Of course, that style modifier is the key. Stella Artois may be brewed in Belgium, but I'd pejoritavely call it an American-style Belgian beer.

Watered down piss. A-B does everything half-assed.

The irony of Belgium being responsible for some of the finest ales in the world while also distributing some of the world's worst lagers could almost peel paint.

Trivia time! The word Budweiser literally means from the city Budweis and refers to a Bohemian style of lager. Adolph Busch tried to replicate it, to debatable success. (Back in the 19th century, before they were mass-producing it and cutting the barley with fucking rice, it may very well have been a decent

Vodka, because the government makes them add that bitter stuff to rubbing alcohol!

You'd think Germans would reject "purity laws" after, well, y'know…

Or "this isn't a hobby." You're absolutely right, AB-Inbev, it's not a hobby. A hobby is something you take pride in doing well.

There's hyperbole for artistic effect, and then there's just straight-up bullshit. Pretty okay if nothing else is available is the latter.

Hey pal, don't presume to tell me what I can't mess up. A fifty foot drop into delicious pudding* would be a James Bond-level stunt for me.

Good heavens, that's just sucidal. I'll stick with Bushkill Falls in the Poconos. They have wooden steps and railings. And, more importantly, a cafe that serves beer and ice cream! I highly recommend it for more sedentary creatures like myself.

I vaguely remember Twilight Zone marathons of long holiday weekends, Honeymooners marathons on New Year's, and being frustrated that Art Carney was not Spock and Jackie Gleason sure as hell wasn't Batman.

I think I would rather risk life and limb scrabbling over some slippery cliff than endure the dizziness and nausea of any ride at Six Flags. I can't even look at my phone in the car.

In New Jersey you never serve alcohol in a container that can't become a stabbing weapon.

The Swatch namedrop gave your comment just the right amount of '80s verisimilitude.

And then there's the handful of teens who drown tubing the Delaware every damn year… NY and PA aren't really all that much better at keeping reckless people safe.

Someday I will experience a giant champagne flute hottub.

Richard Bey? Now there's a name I've not heard in a long, long time.