Rex Dart, Eskimo Spy

This was Jersey, after all. Even odds that his family is still looking for him.

Hmm… The Itchy & Scratchyland episode was written by noted eccentric John Swartzwelder, who grew up near Seattle but was working in the NYC area in the mid-'80s (Thanks, Wikipedia!), so Action Park may very well have been a direct influence, alongside the obvious Disney, Westworld, and Jurassic Park homages.

All the finest fungineering colleges are in the Virgin Islands.

WNYW, WWOR, and WPIX? High five!

Huh. So it turns out that, that one and only time I went to Action Park but was too chickenshit to go on any of the rides, I was actually being prudent? Ten-year-old Rex was smarter than I give him credit for, that nerdy, freckled little butterball.

Plus tons of pockets for magic doodads! A long coat is much cooler than a messenger bag. (Don't tell Chewbacca.) "Hold on a tic, luv, I think I've got one o' St Hubbins' phalanges in 'ere." *rummages through enchanted fanny pack*

The only solution is MORE unregistered superheroes in our schools!

It's amazing that hardly anyone has asked Mark Millar how he knew about Sandy Hook six years before it happened, or why he didn't warn anybody. Or maybe he's sworn not to interfere with the timeline and Civil War was his way of warning us?

I like his current look, too. It reads immediately as John Constantine while still looking like someone you wouldn't take a second glance at on the street. You don't see many tan trenchcoats these days and when you do it's on someone who wants you to notice their spiffy expensive raincoat.

Dude, she was the only one looking at your eyes. You looked, well, fabulous isn't quite the word. I'm not sure if there is a proper word in English. Ze Germans probably have one…

In season one Wells recited a list of people who "died" in the particle accelerator incident, at least two of which were superheroes from the comics: Ralph Dibney, the Elongated Man, and Beatriz DeCosta, the Green Flame, later Fire of Fire & Ice. I doubt WB has plans to use either of them in the movies…

You can almost hear George Perez giggling with glee as he drew that.

Wanna see it make a stah?

Or winning a Pulitzer!

Bammed it up a notch.

Good god, Yaphet was amazing in Homicide. Andre Braugher got the Emmy nominations, and rightfully so, but Yaphet should have gotten at least a supporting actor nod. The Best Damn Show On TV. It's sad that The Wire so completely overshadowed Homicide. I had hoped The Wire's huge success would raise awareness of

I completely get wanting to showcase a (The?) Blaxploitation movie but this week's entry really should be Condor. Or even Death Race.

It's Redford's own adorableness rubbing off. One more reason to rub up against Robert Redford.

You should see the outfits Chris Christie wears.

attempting to induce my conception